Stress !!


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Dec 17, 2012

Vaishnavi T.

Hey guys .... I m going to little stress these days ..... I dont know what's happening to me .... And the impact can b seen on my face ... Plzzz help n tell me what can I do to be happy n pretty ??

Dec 17, 2012

Caitlin Lee G.

Relax And Get A Facial :) Life's Short, Try To Be As Happy As You Can Kiddo 

Dec 17, 2012

Sugar C.

Try to relax and keep yourself calm. Indulge yourself in those activities which cheer you up.. Have healthy snacks and drink lots of water and fresh juices.. 

Dec 17, 2012

Vaishnavi T.

Well , u r right.... !! Thanku :)

Dec 17, 2012

Yasmine K.

Eat bananas :))) 

Dec 17, 2012

Pamela F.

vaishnavi, there is a joke thread going on just now. have a look, might make u smile :)

Dec 17, 2012

Yasmine K.

Looooool yeah emma! 

Dec 17, 2012

Angela P.

^^^ was just gonna say what Pam m said! Thank you! :) 

Dec 17, 2012

Pamela F.

lol yup yasmine. no problem angela :)

Dec 17, 2012

Natalie T.

Emma, what your mom said is actually psychologically proven to be true! smart lady! If you are feeling upset or any negative feelings, if you actually force yourself to make a smile or giggle, it is proven that within a half hour, almost everyone shows an actual improvement in their mood! Its amazing, right!?

I don't know if I am completely selfish or totally smart, but to help manage my stress, I try to do something awesome for myself at least once a day! Maybe I don't have time to actually take time out of my day to do something cool, so I'll treat myself. I'll buy a new CD(or listen through the internet) while I do my homework if I don't have time for physically do anything for myself that day. If I have time I'll do little things like make/order my favorite food for dinner or take an hour out of homework time so I can read my books or draw without interruptions (then go right back to work after a mind-clearing break), maybe I give myself a hair or face treatment before bed. Just do anything that will make your day even just a little better! I think focusing on something other than what is stressing you out or rewarding yourself for being a good sport about it will almost alter your mood in the long run and teach you to relax and balance out your stress level

Dec 17, 2012

Natalie T.

oooh thats a tough one too! but I'm glad it worked!

Dec 17, 2012

Ema D.

Accept the things you can't change and pray for guidance on things you feel you can. I read books when I'm stressed. A good book will take your mind elsewhere for awhile. I also love to watch comedies and standup comics.

Dec 17, 2012

Courtney O.

Take a walk and let your body relax and get loose. And either meditate or drink some lavender tea! It always helps me to sit outside and think about what I'm grateful for:)

Dec 17, 2012

Stephanie M.

I know this sounds dorky, but it really works, give yourself a foot massage with foot lotion in the dark. Focus and concentrate on the massage. You'll feel so relaxed. That's what I do. 

Dec 17, 2012

Caitlin M.

My personal favorite de-stress methods are: bubble baths, a gel eye mask that's been popped in the freezer for a while (or a warm wash cloth), Imogen Heap - her music is so soothing. I love her latest album, Ellipse, because the deluxe version has instrumental versions of each song. Both are soo relaxing. Scented candles are a must. And my favorite moisturizer, Hope in a Jar. Oh and I also love to download an app or two that has some nice rain sounds to listen to. Laughing is always a great way to de-stress too. And another personal favorite is to go to my local bookstore and get a coffee and just browse the shelves. The smell of coffee and brand new books is lovely, its mostly quiet and there's usually some mellow music on. It's one of my favorite things to do :) good luck and happy de-stressing 

Dec 17, 2012

Yessy C.

Read a good book! Totally de-stresses me. I am always smiling and I think it's because I just take each day as it comes and face it with a "let's do this" attitude. Sounds dorky but yeah! P.s. For a good read I recommend Divergent. Sooo good! 

Dec 18, 2012

Gymnast F.

a banana face mask and i have a organic destressing oil temple rub. it works so well, sometimes i fall asleep! 

Dec 18, 2012

Andrea C.

What works for me is going to the gym to relieve stress and just putting on my ipod and getting lost in music. And of course a little shopping helps :)

Dec 18, 2012

Vaishnavi T.

M glad to know your suggestions galzz .... Thanks a ton :) and emma u r right ... It helps a lot ... M following every single tip from now ..... I hope it helps me ..... !!

Dec 18, 2012

Neens C.

Read a good book, take a walk outside, remove yourself from the situation and spend some time with loved ones :) if all else fails and you're feeling super stressed all the time and can't shake it - I'd suggest seeing your doc! There may be more that they can help you with :) OH also yoga! Yoga is the biggest de stresser I love it!

Dec 18, 2012

Neens C.

Andrea C. - I agree with the shopping 100%!!! 😊