How do you do it?


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Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany M.

I try not to be negative but just what do these ppl think? Yanno? What gives them the right to judge people who operate outside of the social norms 

Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.

Most have grown up in very conservative traditional families. I know even my mom doesn't love the whole couful hair, crazy makeup, piercings, tattoo thing.

She can be very bitchy at times. Now that I'm a mom I have times down my everyday look a bit. 

Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.


Dec 18, 2012

Drea L.

I'm very lucky to live in Los Angeles, where "weird" IS the norm. I'm lucky not to get rude comments very often. & I like to think it's bc if one girl on the train has bright purple hair, the girl 3 rows next to her has bright purple, pink & blue hair. lol

I can't imagine what it'd be like growing up in a small conservative town... I honestly wouldn't know how to handle it.

Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany M.

Sadly I live in New Orleans which isn't all that conservative but it's still here...lots of old money in this town 

Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany M.

Avery my hubby and I are going through fertility treatments right now and my mom jokingly tells me when we do have our babies and its time for them to go to school they are going to ask me to drop them off a few blocks away lol
But it's all jokes my family is totally supportive of my aesthetic 

Dec 18, 2012

Tori C.

I'm very conservative. I wear hardly any make up day to day. But I'm also very honest, & I do LOVE make up. I love looking at it & how talented people can be w/ it. But I don't feel like it looks good on me- other then veryy natural looks. & I wish I could go out w/ a dramatic look on! While I hate orange, caked on looking make up, I love we'll done dramatic looks. But I'm too afraid to do it myself. I think that's where a lot of what you hear comes from, they're just not honest enough & decide its you whose wrong. I admire all the girls who do it & love it & hope comments don't get you down, remember for every person who hates on it there's 10 more who will cheer you on. 💓

Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany M.

Tori you're sweeter than honeysuckle 

Dec 18, 2012

Tori C.

Lol thank you! That gave me a big smile.. Haha

Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany M.


Dec 18, 2012

Drea L.

Wow, Tori. That was a sweet comment! You're awesome =D

Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany M.

Isn't she just a doll? 

Dec 18, 2012

Tori C.

☺☺☺ you guys are awesome! 

Dec 20, 2012

Christina S.

I'd probably say, "I'm embracing being different. Plus, the world would be a boring place if everyone looked the same. Different is beautiful!" That's the truth, too. You're gorgeous, so you just keep being you. :-)

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany M.

Aw thanks doll

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany D.

I would just say something really sarcastic when asked questions like that. Once I told an old lady I had mercury poisoning when she asked why I had pink hair lol

People ask why I have a tattoo on my hand... How am I gonna work? Blah blah. I just say if I'm not worried about it you shouldn't be either! 

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany D.

OMG people ask me the same thing about my wrist tattoo as if it actually effects how you perform your job.

Dec 20, 2012

Brooke H.

I've had some people say some rather rude things to me as well, all i ever say is that i didn't wake up this morning and wonder how to please them. Never let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. Your beautiful who you are. And that's all that matters. 

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany D.

@Brooke amen to that!

Dec 20, 2012

Drea L.

Tiffany, that mercury poisoning comment was hilarious. What did she say back?!

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany D.

She just looked really confused she totally didn't get it. It was hilarious she just walked away.

Dec 20, 2012

Avery M.

Two old men asked me if my hair was supposed to be pink once.

No dip shits, I was going for blonde and happened to accidentally dye it bright pink. 

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany D.

Lol if only people knew how stupid they sound when they ask questions like that 

Dec 20, 2012

Nicole M.

Just smile. The convo will move on shortly after.