Reactive inflammed skin solution.


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Jul 16, 2014

Amy S.

I found a drug store product I like for dry, chapped, reactuve skin... for hormonal flares... I have a nasty have a nasty one now... below corner of mouth... it happens when I ovulate. I get rash like patches, feel like burnes, and the get very dry and red. All skincare and makeup is out of the question... I use a lipid or oil cleanse, and a oate based moisturizer.

But I found this for just reactive area treatment.

Jul 16, 2014

Amy S.

Esties... this is great for post inflammatory issues in practice. It active is hydrocorotisone. So use affecfed area only, and a thin layer. Only recommend for a few days as well. No more then 2x per day. I was using aveno one... but definatly perfer this.

Jul 16, 2014

Kitty K.

Where did you find this at Amy?

Jul 16, 2014

Amy S.

Cvs... by the ointments... super pyched... I hadnt seen it before... I always look in the wound care, baby care (diper rash), and ointments sections. I'm a bit obsessive. I tossed the box... or I'd of posted it...

But no petro chemicals. Thats hard to find.

But cause the hydrocortizone, just small amounts, are needed. If on face, only 2x per day, no more then 2 to 3 days. For body, until rash clears.

Jul 16, 2014

Traci L.

Thanks for the information hun my nephew's always get rashes this time of year.

Jul 16, 2014

Kitty K.

Thanks so much! My dad always gets some kind of weird rashes from being out in the farm and not caring about his skin.

Jul 17, 2014

Madi O.

Just please be careful about overusing this product l! Because it has cortizone in it any extended use over a couple of days can thin the skin and really hurt it, especially if using on large patches of skin or especially on the face. Don't put it near eyes at all!! All dermatologist warn against long term use of topical cortizone. Other than that, if you are using it once in a while for a rash or reactive skin, this will help tons!