Oily face-what to do?


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Jul 6, 2014

Mary M.

The skin on my face looks and feels oily. The worst part is my nose. I don't wear makeup in the summer unless I'm going somewhere ( like a party) I don't wear foundation and don't plan on it for a couple more years. When school starts again, I plan to put on face powder to see if that helps with the oiliness. Are there any products that can help with it??

Jul 6, 2014

Bry R.

Do you have a good face washing routine? That can make all the difference. I use to have very oily skin on my t-zone but once I started my routine; facial cleanser, toner and moisturizer, my skin cleared up and wasn't oily anymore.

Jul 6, 2014

Raegan R.

I recommend using stridex pads. They are found at you local general store.

Jul 6, 2014

Amberly M.

I have oily skin too. I use off-brand Oil Free Astringent from the Dollar General. It cleans your skin and keeps it from getting oily. It's also gets rid of acne pretty much over night. You have to be careful and only use it once a day until your skin gets used to it. I think it's made by Neutrogena too, I think it's called Grapefruit something or another, not really sure of the real name though, lol.

Jul 6, 2014

Rida S.

I use soap and glory peaches and clean cleanser and freeman lemon and mint mask..helps keep the skin clean and pores minimum...but there is nothing really that helps keep oil at bay completely..use a good oil control primer with the powder..it will help keep the look natural and keep your face matte...I've heard Benefit porefessional is good!

Jul 6, 2014

Emily S.

Make sure you have a good cleanser that works for you but also that you're using moisturiser. I too have oily skin and as a Mary Kay consultant I've learned that it's all about your cleanser and moisturiser. Most people think if you have oily skin you shouldn't use moisturiser, but you need to because when you don't your skin produces more oil to get the moisturization it's not getting.

Jul 6, 2014

Mary M.

Thanks girls!! I use an acne treating product every morning and night so hopefully one of these things can be used at the same time.