Tips to make my lips look fuller?


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Jul 4, 2014

Amanda L.

My lips are fairly thin and my mouth is small. Any tips for bigger pouty-er lips? Don't mind my not-so-great skin.

Jul 4, 2014

Dorothea S.

I know that if you outline your lips with liner, I think that would help.

Jul 4, 2014

Faith F.

Shaaanxo has a video on how to make your lips look pouty-er. I just watched it yesterday, those tips really work!

Jul 4, 2014

Kristina D.

They sell lip injections I think there is one by too faced but they are supposed to make your lips thicker and they have great reviews

Jul 4, 2014

Mariam A.

Yes ^ highlight the cupid's. bow, and contour the bottom lips.

Jul 4, 2014

Jessie B.

Kandee Johnson put up a video about these things I forget the name but you like use suction to make your lips bigger and it's really made a difference for her.

Jul 5, 2014

Olivia A.

Contour your lips with one of the Nyx 'taupe' Just line the outside if your lips with it and your looks will look bigger and more poutyish! 😄

Jul 5, 2014

Cher W.

I brush them gently using my toothbrush. just dampen it with warm water. and this chapstick from avon makes them soo soft and is very moisturizing. I have been using it for over 10 years.