Highlights question!! :)


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Jun 24, 2014

Kellee R.

Hey girls,

I got a full head of highlights 5 weeks ago and am returning to the hairdressers again next week. I'm wanting to go full blonde.

My question is.. Should I get another full head of highlights or half head this time? Will another full head damage my hair too much or it doesn't really matter?

I use a morrocan hair mask once a week and for the past 2 weeks, I have been applying a morrocan hair oil once every 2 days. I also have only straightened my hair twice in the past 5 weeks.

Thanks :)

Jun 24, 2014

Shelby L.

If you want to go blonder get a full head, its been over a month so you shouldn't worry about damaging your hair if a hair stylist is doing them! I just recently got a full head and my stylist said wait dour weeks to come back and get more haha.