Eyeliner How To Use


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Dec 15, 2012

Consiglia P.

Hahahaha it s like a shame for me but i don't know how to use the eyeliner i make always disasters and my eyes after look like a panda ahhahahahahhahahah
Help me please simple ways to do it :)

Dec 15, 2012

Brianne D.

Go slow and try to get as close to your lash line as possible. If you mess up just take a q-tip w some eye makeup remover and it should come off. But practice makes perfect. I used to wear liquid eyeliner all the time and I got to where I could do it... On the bus! ;) hope this helps

Dec 15, 2012

Haleigh S.

I agree with Brianne, go nice and slow. I have a hard time using pencils (always too thick and I can't get it right in between my lashes) and I have better luck with an angled brush and either a pot of gel liner or powder eyeshadow. I just go slow and do a few small sections at a time (I make a mess if I try to do it in one swipe!)