My threads never get answered!!


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Jun 24, 2014

Kelly M.

No matter what I do. No matter how well I catagorize my threads and the details I give no one ever answers my threads what gives??

Jun 24, 2014

Pati L.

You're not alone mine either

Jun 24, 2014

Kat A.

It happens. mine usually don't get answered unless I repost a few times. I know some threads don't show up on the app for some reason (I don't know if that's still true, but I'd imagine so) what questions do you have?

Jun 24, 2014

Ciciii C.

I never seen your threads before ma. what you need help on?

Jun 24, 2014

Kelly M.

1. Thoughts on the Mary Lou Manizer highlighter by the balm on pale NC15 skin. I just order it from haute look yesterday. It's one of the only highlighters I have purchased. I need a good highlighter what I have now isn't working. I have been using a MAC MSF in porcelain pink. It's lovely just doesn't think it suits me well.

2. A good primer for really dry skin. My skin is dry and a little flakey. So I need a good primer.

3. I also posted a MOTD and had some Skincare questions that no one answered.

Jun 24, 2014

Tiffany R.

Same happens to me! It's kind of annoying when I see a 'less important' (yea I said it) question get answered. By less important I mean something that's not even 'beauty' related. As for your questions I have oily skin so I'm not quite sure what would work for you and I don't have any experience with Mary Lou products. Wish I could help..I hope you find answers. ✨💋

Jun 24, 2014

Kat A.

I've never used the Mary Lou Manizer & I don't wear a primer :/ so I can't help with those. what skincare questions did you have? Traci L knows everything skincare, so if we don't know, maybe comment on her profile? :)

Jun 24, 2014

Regan N.

Sometimes threads can get pushed down because of repost threads from others/just because. Sorry doll!
1) I've seen it on others and have swatched it on myself. To give you an idea of my skin tone, nc15 is too dark for me in the winter. It looked lovely and I adored it. Also, I have yellowy undertones, if that helps any.
2) I like the bare minerals primer, as well as the smashbox primer. If I'm correct, though, they contain silicone (I'm almost positive) so keep that in mind if you've found it doesn't react well with your skin.
3) what skincare questions did you have? I'm not an expert , but I'd love to help. (:

Jun 24, 2014

Kelly M.

I have heard you shouldn't exfoliate everyday and however when I do my skin is always smoother and make up and even moisturiser goes on better and even with no make up I look better only the day I exfoliate. It's like the next day it's like I never exfoliated. So I am curious if it's safe for everyday. I used organic sugar and my cleanser which is the neutregena grape fruit cleaner.

Jun 24, 2014

Regan N.

As long as you're not scrubbing roughly, I don't think it would be a problem. I'd recommend asking either Kitty or Traci L to be sure though; you can comment on their profiles. (:

Jun 24, 2014

Janet B.

You can buy a daily exfoliater, just to make sure it isnt too harsh on your skin.

Jun 24, 2014

Kendall O.

Like the Mary-Lou manizer, but for super fair skin I prefer the hourglass ambient light powder in "diffused light"

I have suuuuuper dry skin as well and I love the Laura mercier primer & the smashbox primers! Stay away from a mattifying primer and always moisturize prior to makeup application

Jun 24, 2014

Kelly M.

Thanks everyone. This has been so helpful!!