I Can Never Get A Tan :(


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Jul 1, 2014

Brianna M.

So I got sunburn on my chest the other day and I was so hoping it would turn into a tan and it didn't :/ and omg I put a paper towel soaked in milk like jacqlyn said and omggg it took the whole burn away like the redness went down and everything so thank you jacqlyn! but anyway my son is 18 months and we've gone out the same amount of times And he has a tan and I don't lol (I put baby sunblock on him don't worry) but like ugh that burn did nothing lol I'm d
sad. my question to make this thread have content is there anyway to make my skin tan a little?

Jul 1, 2014

Regan N.

You could always try fake tanners. Tanning oils layered over sunscreen are worth a try also.

Jul 1, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

I have the same problem lol I've just learned to be comfortable with my plae skin..
I'd say the only was is to spray tan :)
if you do it right, it can look natural and beautiful

Jul 1, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you so much any suggestions on those?

Jul 1, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

I wouldn't recommend Sun Tanning, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your skin! It sounds a lot like mine, and after working at a tanning salon, I know it's not a good idea to put my skin through burns just to be tan.

Jul 1, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

I honestly recommend paying for a spray tan month to moth membership at a salon. Its always one of the cheaper memberships, and the results and products in the salon are far better then any store bought products.

Jul 1, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you! I'm not really sure of any good tanning salons around me that does very natural like spray tan I'm afraid of becoming orange do you know any good places? I could give you my city and state if it helps any.

Jul 2, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

Yes that would help love :)
Versa Spa is a really good company, I highly recommend going to a salon with one of their spray booths.

Jul 2, 2014

Traci P.

I've used the versa spa spray tan at my local Palm Beach Tan and loved the way it turned out. I am very pale, I don't tan easily either, and was so worried I would turn orange. But luckily I tried it out and loved the results! Just make sure to shave/wax and exfoliate really well the day before going in and use TONS of barrier lotion on your hands and feet!

Jul 2, 2014

Tiffany B.

Haha funny Traci mentioned Palm Beach Tan since I actually work at one in my spare time. We do have Versa's :) To avoid that orange color that you are talking about buy a primer (DS Primer is amazing) to help even out your skins PH levels helping the spray to adhere better to the skin. This primer also helps extend your spray by an additional 3-5 days while a spray normally last about 5-7.

Jul 2, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

As for products, I LOVE devoted creations! They have a Salt Scrub and Tan extender that I used everytime.. Also California Tans Primer gel before is great :)

Jul 2, 2014

Jessica N.

Make sure to wear a sunSCREEN when you tan. It helps you get a tan without burning :) also if you go for a short period of time for multiple days instead of a long time on one day you have a better chance of tanning instead of burning.

Jul 2, 2014

Sarah J.

I cannot tan and feel your pain. My answer to it is St Moriz and it is amazing. You end up a lovely dark brown tan. No orange. No streaks as you can see where you are appling the tan. Then leave for 6hours and wash off. Before applying make sure you have exfoliated really well and moisturise. After washing it off moisturise using your moisturiser and if you want abit of glow to your tan they have a shimmer moisturiser which is so pretty and not glittery. xx