Weird breakout? Help please!😭


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Jul 2, 2014

Juliana N.

I normally have really clear skin, with the odd pimple here and there but this morning I woke up and there were a whole bunch of pimples/bumps near and on my hairline! Any ideas on how it happened or how to make them go away?

Jul 2, 2014

Melissa M.

Maybe because you didnt remove your makeup well

Jul 2, 2014

Mariany N.

Possibly what caused it was the oil of your hair, it's normal, happens to me sometimes, what you could do is wash the places where the bumps are and use products to keep your skin from getting oily again until they're gone. Works for me :)

Jul 2, 2014

Juliana N.

I don't wear face makeup! Lol(: Thanks for the suggestions ladies! I appreciate it!
@Jacqlyn - What exactly is salicylic acid gel & what does it do?(:

Jul 2, 2014

Juliana N.

Thanks for the info!☺️ really appreciate the help!

Jul 2, 2014

Mariam A.

How old are you? usually breaking out that occurs on or near the forehead is from a stage, Like your hitting puberty or something similar like that.

Jul 2, 2014

Mandy J.

Agree with Mariam. When I hit my puberty I also got breakout near the forehead. But with time it dissapeared.