What is beauty?


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Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

I had a discussion once and when we were talking about this, the general consensus was that the idea of beauty was kinda different than that of "sexy"or "cute."

Since this is beautylish, I thought I'd ask y'all. What is beauty? what do you associate with beauty? :)

Jul 1, 2014

M G.

Being confident and known everyone has thier own beauty. noones better everyones beautiful in their own way.

Jul 1, 2014

Kat A.

I think beauty is being confident & comfortable in your own skin.

Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

@Megan h. I really like your answer! I totally agree.

Jul 1, 2014

Kat A.

Agree with you both, too, Megan & Renay. very well said :)

Jul 1, 2014

M G.

Agree with megan too.

Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

Also, why do we (generally speaking) find the things we do beautiful? Like if I say Anne Hathaway for example, majority of us would say she's pretty. But **why** would we say she is?

Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

@Liz s. lmao he is tho! so is Dave franco ^.^

Jul 1, 2014

Janette B.


Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

@Renay T. Trueeee. That makes sense.

And yeah, same. Idk, I just think it's super interesting how you can find someone attractive and then they open their mouth/do things and then it's like they're not that attractive anymore

Jul 1, 2014

Amy S.

Its where ever you choose to see it... and its pretty much everywhere.

Jul 1, 2014

Kellee R.

I'm going to be different here and say that what is on the outside is beauty. I mean beauty is what is pleasing to the eye.. So when someone is beautiful then that is beauty. The reason I say this is because if you saw a beautiful girl from a distance and thought "wow she's beautiful!" Then that to me is beauty. You can't see her personality but you can see she's beautiful.

Though I agree that what is on the inside is beauty to :)

Jul 1, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

To me beauty is on the eye of the beholder, what you think is beauty someone else might not, to me beauty is personality, humor, and most of all someone being true to her self, anyone can look gorgeous on the outside plastic surgery has thought us that well but no amount of plastic surgery can ever change who you are on the inside.

Jul 1, 2014

Alyssa N.

Beauty is being confident and having a positive outlook on life. Beauty is bringing out the beauty in other people. True beauty actually comes from the inside.

Jul 1, 2014

Kendra H.

It took me a long time to look at myself as beautiful. Why? Because I was looking at the wrong things. Instead of gaining confidence and going inside and using makeup to highlight what I loved... I was using makeup as a tool to cover up what I didn't like and make myself more beautiful. Once I started to embrace myself, my imperfections, and styling makeup based on my personality I saw myself as beautiful. So, I think beauty is doing what makes you happy, having confidence, and styling yourself so that your hair, makeup, and clothes reflect who you are on the inside!

Jul 1, 2014

Amy S.

Beauty in imperfection, beautiful loser, beautiful wreck, ugly beautiful, strange beautiful, scarry beautiful
Different for everyone
Realivity of beauty
Its beautiful

Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

@Jacqueline yeah, I've heard about the symmetry thing as well. That still boggles my mind that something that would seem to be subjective could be mathematically defined.

Jul 1, 2014

Dy D.

Oh and thanks to everyone for sharing: )