Disney and flying?


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Jul 1, 2014

Kaleigh D.

In about two weeks I will be flying to Disney world from Maryland. I have never flown, it will be my first time going to Disney and I have not been to Florida in 14+ years. What clothing should I bring, what makeup/hair supplies and what tips do you have as far as airports and flying?(:

Jul 1, 2014

Emma Y.

Sunblock, and airplanes can get pretty cold so bring something warm in your carry on just in case:)

Jul 1, 2014

Kat A.

For the plane..
-hand sanitizer
-jacket for if you get cold
-money for snacks
-phone charger

clothes for the plane..
wear something comfortable. nothing with metal if you can. wear comfortable shoes that are easy to take off.

what to take to Disney world..
-money for food
-light jacket for night
-hair ties/bobby pins
-body spray

what to wear to Disney world..
again, something comfortable. I don't remember if there were any rides to get you wet, but if there are I wouldn't wear denim. wear a loose shirt/tank & some shorts. whatever comfortable shoes you have that would match.

as far as dressing in Florida in general, I wore shorts & tanks a lot. bring some dresses or skirts too. anything you have that's good for super hot weather lol. bring a hat if you can. sunglasses too.

have fun!

Jul 1, 2014

Alexis M.

I just went to disney and had to leave early because I almost passed out. It is SO hot. I'd wear the lightest clothes possible and I wouldn't really wear makeup. It's going to be well over 100 and you'll just sweat it off.

Jul 1, 2014

Kirsten H.

Chew gum when taking off and landing. It helps release the pressure in your ears/head. If that doesn't work, try yawning.
I cannot stress enough to wear comfortable shoes. Comfortable clothes really help too. Also, on planes you can bring your own snacks (I do suggest taking snacks), but no drinks (unless you buy one in the terminal). I'm sure you already know that though, but just in case. For security lines, take off your shoes and jacket (if you have one. I always bring a hoodie on the plane) before you get to the front, it saves time. Also have any liquids in your carry on in a quart sized ziploc, and take those out of your carry on while going through security. Make sure to weigh and measure your bag if you are checking one to make sure they meet the requirements of the airline. You don't want to have to pay extra if it is overweight. Go to the airport somewhere around 2 hours early. Lines at security can be long and its better to be early than miss your flight.

For Disney, Comfortable shoes, money, sunscreen, maybe a hoodie or sweater, it tends to rain for a little while at least one day while I am there so I suggest shoes that will dry quickly. If you are staying on Disney property, you should go for Extra Magic Hours! The park is less crowded during those times.
Have fun!!

Jul 1, 2014

Kirsten H.

I didn't wear any makeup when I went to Disney World, and kept my hair in a ponytail. Hair tends to get ruined on rides.(:

Jul 1, 2014

Kat A.

Oh yeah, I forgot about rain lol. you're going to need to buy a poncho! I was near Orlando & it rained every day around 4 haha.

Jul 1, 2014

Olivia K.

Gum will be your best friend. I just got back from being on vacation to Florida and I flew, and I was scared to death!! It is easy and very nice, bring a magazine or something to do, time will fly!