Breakout! Please help :(


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Jun 29, 2014

Mindy F.

What can I do to make this go away or atleast speed up the progess? It's been there for a week now. :( it's like a gang of pimples on my chin area!!

Jun 29, 2014

Bella B.

Are they scares now? Have you picked and tried to pop them?

Jun 29, 2014

Bella B.


Jun 29, 2014

Kendall O.

Is your skin usually dry or oily?

Jun 29, 2014

Alyssa B.

The best thing to do is wait for it to go away. Most products for acne don't really work or may make it worse depending on the ingredients.

Jun 29, 2014

Mindy F.

No Bella they are still pimples, they are still lumps. And I have dry skin! And I've tried the one by clean and clear and one called zapytt, Hollie. So far no good:(

Jun 30, 2014

Bella L.

A blemish gel or a facial wash a good facial wash is spectro gel it is meant for sensitive skin and to help get rid of any bacteria including acne :D

Jun 30, 2014

Kaleigh D.

Toothpaste is a terrible idea honestly. Try a calming moisturizer and diluted tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar.

Jun 30, 2014

Kellee R.

Don't use toothpaste!!

Jun 30, 2014

Kendra H.

I use the elf zit zapper and it's my best friend! Put some on In the morning and at night after your normal skin care routine! For me at least, it starts to decrease the redness and size within like a day and then it helps to gradually heal it over another few days. Most pimples I use it on are fine within 3-6 days after I start applying the zit zapper. However, once you have it you can use it premtivly. I use it around my acne prone ares twice a week just so that breakouts are less likely to pop out from below the skin. Of course this was only my experience but maybe it'll work for you too!

Jun 30, 2014

Rachel L.

Put ice over it! That will reduce the redness. The best thing is to not touch it. Don't put more oil on it by messing with it.

Jun 30, 2014

Frida T.

I agree with Rachel, put som ice on it! It will reduce the redness and will calm down the swelling.