Skin Care Experts?


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Jun 27, 2014

Laura O.

I know there are a few of you on here :). I'm just curious, I picked this up from my local chemist. going to try it on my face, my question is, is this a safe cream or will it irritate my face more? I'll list ingredients:
soft paraffin
liquid paraffin
emusifying wax BP
purified water

Jun 27, 2014

Laura O.

here's pic

Jun 27, 2014

Traci L.

It might clog your pores soft paraffin is petroleum jelly and liquid paraffin is mineral oil,it's just occlusive barrier ,it would work ok on dry feet or elbows I wouldn't use it on my face thou 

Jun 27, 2014

Laura O.

Can I use it at night? my skin is soo dry it's cracking.

Jun 27, 2014

Amy S.

Not long term, not in face...

Paraffin will clog... but, for wound healing, and restoring surface damage, its great.

Lets keep in mind... paraffin, mineral oil, petrolium... are petrochemicals... biproduct of crude oil... you should limit use of these items anyhow.
Is there are reason you need such heavy product?

Jun 27, 2014

Amy S.

This is made to be used as a fatty layer for the skin, to seal and protect during healing.

Jun 27, 2014

Traci L.

You can try it hun I'm just telling you it may break you out after a while ,if it doesn't work for you try getting a hyaluronic acid serum and using FIRST Aid Beauty Ultra Repair cream.

Jun 27, 2014

Laura O.

My skin is flaking off, nothing is helping that's why I thought I'd give this a try.

Jun 27, 2014

Laura O.

Thanks Tracy, I was hoping you would answer. I will keep your suggestions in mind

Jun 27, 2014

Traci L.

your welcome hun

Jun 27, 2014

Grace K.

Oh goooodnesssss following this thread! I have eczema on my face occasionally, caused by my Graves' disease so it's like extra random and annoying lol. I can't use hydrocortisone near my eye area (where the eczema can get so bad it will bleed) so I'm always looking for new stuff to heal my face. I have not one, but 2!! of the First Aid Beauty Repair creams because of a set they had around Christmas. I'm going to use it tonight I'm sooo excited. I'll let you know if it works thank you! <3333

Jun 27, 2014

Amy S.

Grace, I liked that stuff, but pricey...

You know... a wee gem of a product... in the baby care isle of drug store, near diapers and ointments... aveno makes a baby formula, advanced eczema cream / gel. I love it... avena sativa, and beta glucan, wheat based ingredients in products, act as soothing and healing agents. They also stimulate an immune response in skin. Really awsome stuff.

Welda calundula ointment for spot treatment during flares, rather then crude oil based product... its very heavy, and sold in natrual type stores in baby ointment sections. This adds that protective layer to allow healining... without all drawbacks of being petro chemical.

Jun 28, 2014

Grace K.

AMY, Omg! You are my savior! I am seriously rushing out tomorrow to get what you suggested! Thank you sooo much! I have the biggest smile on my face right now hahaha you have no idea how long I've been struggling with this. Thank you thank you! :)<3

Jun 28, 2014

Amy S.

I hope it helps... I feel for the reactive skin ladies... its taken me years to balance face... I had severly dry, chapped, cracked, painful patches around lower lips on chin.

They still flare up with hormones, but rarely get dry and flake anymore... I avoid any treatment, peel, or strong product on my chin. The aveno and welda are staples... I break em out from time to time... feels soooo good too.

Jun 28, 2014

Laura O.

Grace I feel you, this pregnancy has left my face dry cracked on one day or all red to the point of looking like I've been burned. ah well only 6 weeks to go :). Amy I'm going to check out the aveeno too :)

Jun 28, 2014

Amy S.

Congratulations!! And good luck on delivery... yes, I know that burned look to well. Hormones really take a toll on skin... I know its uncomfortable. If you can find the welda, its really soothing. When my patches flare up, I use it at night... in the morning, it feel and looks much better.

Also, diet... talk to doctor of course.. since you are pregnent. But refined sugar, processed food, artitficial sweetner- mess with bodies immune system. This causes systemic inflammation. increased probiotic intake, pickeled foods like olives help to increase healthy bacterias in body that aid immune health. Omegas ard great for hair and skin. Antioxidents where you can get them... green tea, berries... once you deliver, I can give you some treatment ideas.

Jun 29, 2014

Laura O.

Aw thanks sweet :) yea it's a pain, I have tried drinking more water and green tea was recommended to me which is helping. and thank you for your advice.

Jun 30, 2014

Brooke B.

Traci is always so right, I have extremely dry skin and I use the F.A.B (first aid beauty) ultra repair cream and after 3 weeks of using it maybe 3-4 nights a week my skin is no longer dry it's an amazing product.

Jun 30, 2014

Laura O.

I'm going to hav ti check this product out, hope I can get it on amazon :)