Diaper rash cream for mild acne?


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Jul 1, 2014

Ame S.

Hullo to all!

I was reading Internet articles on Zinc Oxide creams used to treat mild acne breakouts and ecen cysts by a lot of people. Now, it makes sense because Zinc oxide is a powerful anti bacterial agent and verrrrry soothing too, if its safe for a baby's skin I couldn't possibly go wrong with it. And the biggest plus is that it acts as a natural sunblock, sure, the protection is less than standard sunscreens or blocks but I hardly have any sun exposure. So I wanted to know if anyone here has tried using diaper rash cream or any other zinc oxide cream for acne? If yes, how was your experience? And also, please suggest some petroleum and oil free zinc oxide cream/ointment/gels. Thank you all for your time!

I tried it and me thought it really helped the redness.

Jul 1, 2014

Ame S.

^you mean acne redness or just the regular redness?

Acne redness

Jul 4, 2014

Shan P.

I have tried washing my face with sulfur zinc oxide soap and it did nothing and I've been experiencing break outs lately and has left scars on my face. I'm trying other products right now. hope it works for you.