Straight eyebrow trend


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Jun 29, 2014

Veronica B.

Has anyone fancied this? The straight eyebrows as opposed to arched. I love it so much. I am gradually working on shaping my eyebrows this way. What are your opinions on straight eyebrows? Has anyone with naturally arched eyebrows tried to achieve this? And if you have this naturally, I'm so jealous!

Jun 29, 2014

Haley G.

I wish I could pull them off, on certain women they look fan.

Jun 29, 2014

Kat A.

Eh, I like them on some people.

Jun 29, 2014

Gabby M.

I love them, I'm soo jealous of girls with naturally straight eyebrows! I think it looks so sweet and girly, I wish mine were straight :( like I know it wouldnt match my face but I wish it did cause I feel like my arched eyebrows make me look bitchy or something I don't know haha :/

Jun 29, 2014

Shaye M.

Mine are like this normally, but due to years of over plucking and shaping they're more arched now but I do love straight brows :) I think they're quite attractive if they fit a persons features

Jun 29, 2014

Janet B.

I have this shape naturally, but I prefer a subltle arch. I think it looks more grown up and sexy as opposed to straight ones, which look innocent and girly, if you get what I mean.

Jun 29, 2014

M G.

Ima be the odd one out and say I'm not a fan on thm. I really like the arched brow sorry.

Jun 29, 2014

Kendall O.

I prefer an arched brow for sure, but this look fits a very soft face with a more natural look

Jun 29, 2014

Breeze T.

I think everyone has a brow shape that's right for them! Would you even imagine Emma Watson with arched eyebrows? Or Angelina Jolie with straight ones? :D
I can't categorize mine well, I think they're straight but some days they look arched!

Jun 29, 2014

Jamie D.

I think it depends on your face! Some peoples brows are naturally more straight, and some are more arched. Personally I tend to think people look best when they adhere to their natural brow shape and just get pruning done. But it looks great on all of them!

Jun 30, 2014

Emily W.

Mine are pretty much straight. I find that it is pretty much impossible to get an arch, they just won't grow that way. Sometimes I feel a little like they just sit awkwardly on top of my eyes. I have to be really careful when I fill them in or they look way too straight and scary, lol.

Jul 1, 2014

Shaye M.

I love your brows Emily :)

Jul 1, 2014

Emily W.

Aw thanks Shaye. :)