You are wasting your money! How do you spend your money?


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Jun 27, 2014

Kitty K.

I think we all, as a giant beauty addict community.. can all agree to at least having heard from someone once, that you are 'wasting your money on beauty products' or something towards that extent.
So I was actually pretty curious to hear from all of you on this topic..

1. How do you view & react to this statement of wasting money?
2. Has your spending & interest in make up increased being a Beautylish member?
3. Is there a budget you have created for beauty products?

1. I think it's silly.. people waste money on items that are completely useless. (Like alcohol! ) As long as I am getting my moneys worth, I don't see how it's 'wasted.'
People invest loads of money in gaming, cards, gambling, bets, sports, yet it seems like it is almost a sin to invest in make up & beauty.

2. Yes! Before Beautylish... I thought I had all I needed. :(
Now I find myself spending more & more time looking at make up in Sephora, even if I was just there yesterday.

3. $20.00 every week and save it... it can be more depending on how much I have. At the end of the month ( assuming I did $20.00 this month ) I'll have around $80.00.
My rule of thumb is not to buy what I don't need.
I won't go out and buy another foundation just to try it out or because it's better than one I currently own. I'll use up the one I have first.

Jun 27, 2014

Caitriona H.

1. I used to smoke so makeup is not a waste of enough to me, when you spend 40-60 euro a week on a habit thats killing you an expensive foundation isn't really an issue.
2. Oh god yes. I was a impulse spender before but its just gotten worse because of you girls!
3. Um no... Buuut, I don't go too crazy either. I'm good with my money and always prioritise rent, food, bills and other needed things first.

Jun 27, 2014

Jenna L.

1. I know a lot of my friends and family think I have too much and spend too much. Which I do have a lot of stuff and I see care about the quality of my products. Beauty and makeup is something I care about and like learning about so to me it's a hobby and I see it no differently than someone buying hockey sticks if they play the sport.
2. Well I've tried to cut back on impulse shopping trips and am trying to use up what I have before I buy new things, but this site has made me want to buy new products based on their reviews from the girls.
4. I definitely limit myself. I don't spend how I used to because it was getting crazy, I had way too much so things would go bad or I'd forget about them. So now my plan is to do research on products and make educated buy, try to get testers before I made a pricy purchase and to use up what I have before I buy new/more. I'm willing to spend any money on a good product, especially foundation, but now "brands" don't matter. Like if loreal has a lipstick for 12$ and it's the same at a dior for 40$ I'll go with the cheaper one and if I end up using it a lot, I'd upgrade to the more expensive one.

Jun 27, 2014

Kat A.

1. I don't see how it's a waste of money if you use it. if it's wasteful to get something you use then everyone is wasting money on tvs, clothes, games, etc. it just doesn't make any sense to say it's a waste to me lol.

2. it definitely has! before beautylish I literally knew nothing. you girls have expanded my knowledge & now I know what different products are :)

3. I don't buy enough to need a budget lol.

Jun 27, 2014

Marleen B.

I still buy makeup but a lot less now. Because I am a "woman of a certain age", I spend more on skincare. But I stick to the tried & true
...Vit C, retinol, ahas & sunscreen.

Jun 27, 2014

Yasmine G.

1. I think those who say that to beauty lovers just don't understand that we're spending our money on our own happiness. We're investing into our happiness especially those who are mua's. If I had to think of an example where maybe it's not a good idea to be spending big bucks on products is if one has more important things they should be spending on, like bills.
2. Totally! I see looks I want to try and realize I need certain products to achieve such looks and then I go buy them lol. This app most definitely increased my interest much more buy introducing me into different styles of makeup art and made me look deeper into the science of it.
3. Well unless I have gift cards lol. Besides that, each time I get money I put some away and put the rest into whatever I want which usually goes to a trip to Sephora (; I usually only budget myself if I plan to save for something I need

Jun 27, 2014

Jes T.

1.) It's my hard earned money so I will spend it how I like, if it's not affecting you or your money I don't think its a big deal. As long as I use the stuff I buy I consider it a success.
2.) I've always been make up junkie, beautylish just made me feel better about it since I now know there Are others like me 🙊🙈
3.) Not a particular budget, I just buy more when I run out of a certain product. and normally when I go to buy one specific product I find more things I want to try out that feeds my obsession 😂

Jun 28, 2014

Marissa L.

1) its a hobby, and something I enjoy doing. if they like music, then its no different to me than spending it on songs or instruments.
2)my interest hasnt increased, but so many ladies have inspired me to do looks that require products I don't have
3) nope, I just try to avoid going more than twice a month and like to go right before getting paid.

Jun 28, 2014

Lara C.

1. Ita my hobby and something I enjoy. also I'm applying it to my face so I don't want to spead bad stuff all of myself lol. I'm used to people not getting it so it doesn't bother me much.
2. my spending has actually gone down. I make smarter and more researched purchases. before I was getting into this high end craze and I am now realizing its not always worth it.
3. I don't have a budget necessarily but I don't like to spend money on useless and expensive things. I rarely need to rebuy necessities because I buy good quality and don't use much although I use these everyday (foundation, eyebrow products, eyeliner, mascara). now that I don't work to much either, I don't like to go overboard

Jun 28, 2014

Holly G.

Good post! My son calls my face my pallette and my hub. says I'm a product whore ( sorry for cussing word) lol! yeah it is a hobby! :)

Jun 28, 2014

Ciciii C.

1.) If you don't have income coming I don't see the need to spend money PERIOD. I'm not poor , but I think its sinful to spend money on all these products and it isnt healthy for your body and mind.-Half the time- If I hear someone spending money on ONE small item , lets say? for 30 dollars I would look at ya' funny. I think you should spend your money on more productive things. Instead of trying to look beautiful all the time. So spending money on unless things? Makes me think what have the world come too.

2.) Yes? kinda. At first I was just a lipgloss from Bath&Body Works person , with eyeliner. Now I want all these blushes , tools , eyeshadows , pigments ,EVERYTHING. And I think Beautylish and other apps inspired me , inside , to try all these new things. At first I thought having makeup , you're just trying to be fake , now I see its more of a creative moment. Its more fun , like. Beautylish has DEFINITELY increased my liking to all these new paints. And yes I call it paints? Its like Art to me. All because of beautylish C;

3.) When I start working I will have a budget: $2.00-100.00 depending on what it is. I'm not buying just ONE thing thats a hundred. It would have to be a set or something like that.

Jun 28, 2014

Jaime T.

1. I find it to be an investment more of a happy hobby than a money waster. No one really has told me that I'm wasting my money on it now, since they see me happy and I'm the one paying for it.
2. Yes, it has increased so much from being a member Beautylish! But I have gained so much knowledge from it as well.
3. I have more of a budget on how I spend on an individual item instead of a group of items. Like I won't spend more than $15 on any blushes (I might splurge on a Nars blush in the future) or single eyeshadows, $20 on any mascara, $40 on any foundation, etc. But my budget will all change when I have more bills. I'll definitely cut down not only on makeup but clothes, games, etc. when the time comes!
Nice topic, Kitty! :D

Jun 28, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

1. As to what I think of this, I don't care its my money and it being my money I have the right to do as I please with it, the only thing thats going to change by people saying something is me being more discreet on when I get my products that way you can't say nothing about me spending my money

2. Yes, cuz there's a bunch of things that I didnt know that now I do and if I'm a spend money on trying to achive a certain look I'm a spend my money on something thats worth it

3. No there isnt, what ever I have is my budget if I don't got nothing I need to pay

Jun 28, 2014

Mhairi M.

1. Other people may see it as wasting money but to me it's what I enjoy and buying makeup is something that I do to treat myself. Most of my money goes on my kids and giving us a nice home to live in.I don't smoke, drink, go out socially or buy clothes unless I really have to so I don't feel guilty at all. it's the one thing that I do just for me when I'm able to and I don't think there's anything wrong with that :-) 2. Yes I've definitely spent more since being on here lol so many brands I haven't heard of before and so many products that I NEED lol and don't know how I survived without them before. 3. I don't have a budget just whatever I'm able to spare once necessities are dealt with. I still get the same excitement from makeup as I did when I was little and playing with my mums stuff, we all need a little of that excitement in our lives and if that comes from makeup so be it :-)

Jun 28, 2014

Brianne S.

1. My mom thinks I constantly wastes money. Honestly, I HAVE cut back on spending and I've been actually saving a lot to go back to school :) when it comes to buying beauty products, it's okay to spend the money to maintain yourself.
2. My spending has not increased by being a beautylish member. I see products (example: the naked palettes) and I would want them but I think when will I use them? VERY RARELY!
3. My monthly budget is a maximum of 75 when it comes to beauty products or maintaining myself (like hair cuts).

Jun 28, 2014

Sydney D.

1.) If I use it and enjoy it then its not a waste, I usually read reviews before I buy anything so I don't feel like I'm wasting it on crap.
2.) Yes :)
3.) As far as a budget goes it just depends on the situation. I'll eyeball the price of something and determine whether or not its worth the price tag.

Jun 28, 2014

Ana P.

I've never heard that question, maybe cause I don't say anything when I buy new makeup, I just use it.
2. actually my interest in buying new stuff remains the same. I ALWAYS want to buy something jajaja
3. yup, depends if I'm paying myself for the product, the brand, and the product itself (I splurge on eye shadows but never on blushes, don't know why)

Jun 28, 2014

Danielle B.

1. My fiance pays the rent and most of the bills by choice, I've offered to give him money towards it. He doesn't want it. That being said, I pay for the internet and my cell phone bill and I spend the rest on whatever I need or want just for myself. I also make decent money, it is safe to say I spend wayyyy too much on make up, clothes, hair products, and other beauty products. People give me the crazy eye a lot.

2. Between Beautylish and watching Youtube people most definitely. I wasn't even aware that they had places like Ulta or Sephora before that. It did take a while for me to justify spending so much on make up though even then.

3. No, I really just take out whatever expenses I have and then buy whatever I want. My only restraint when buying something is if I plan to buy something else and want to keep back money for that. And I still struggle spending more than $10 on things. If it cost more then $10 or $15 depending what it is I sit on it and consider if I really want it or will like it.

Jun 28, 2014

Danielle B.

But in all honesty, the people who tell me I'm wasting my money are usually guilty of something else. Like constant drinking(every now and then I do drink and I think that is fine. Alcoholism is a no.), smoking, doing drugs, etc. So I'm fine wasting my money on clothes, make up, hair products, and other beauty products.