Makeup for a musical?


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Mar 7, 2014

Kaylynne N.

I'm in my schools musical, and I know you have to wear foundation, eyeliner, blush, mascara, and lipstick, but I play a bigger part and I'm supposed to wing my liner out, but I also wanted to wear some eyeshadow, but I wasn't sure what to wear. Any ideas? The musical is "the musical adventures of Flat Stanley" it's a lot better than it sounds, but I play Mrs. Cartero, the mail lady. And if you have any tips to calm nerves that would be great too! Thanks!

Mar 7, 2014

Kaylynne N.

Thank you! Also I forgot to mention, but I have really blue eyes so anything that would make them pop would be great!

Mar 7, 2014

Emilie W.

What color is your outfit that you'll be wearing?

Mar 7, 2014

Lara R.

Fake eyelashes are a must!! I also suggest a shimmery eyeshadow and a bright blush. It must look dramatic in natural light in order to look normal on a stage :) mucha mierda (good luck!)

Autumn Hope F.

Mar 7, 2014

Autumn Hope F.

Ooh, musicals are so fun! I'd do something similar to what Jacqlyn posted. Make sure to use fake eyelashes, bright unnatural looking blush and bold, shimmery eyeshadow (because of what Lara said). For calming nerves:
-Tea is a miracle worker. Just drink some hot tea before you go on.
-I always think "I'm nervous, but is my character? No. So ACT like your not nervous." It sounds silly, but it works for me.
-Remember that the audience doesn't have the script, so if you mess up, they won't be able to tell. As long as you stay in character, of course.

Mar 7, 2014

Meagan S.

Use black on your water line, white in the corner of your eye lid, black on the outer lid, and use a brush to mix it a little

Mar 7, 2014

Meagan S.

Also you NEED fake eyelashes!!

Mar 9, 2014

Ember F.

I tend to go by the rule of if you look beyond over done in real life than you look fine on stage.