Did my friends makeup, do you like it?/ what can I do to improve?


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Mar 7, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

So yeah did my friends makeup, what do you guys think? :)

Mar 7, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

This is the open eye

Mar 7, 2014

Haven B.

You could add a little more eye liner on the bottom lashes. But other than that great job!

Mar 7, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

thank yoo :3

Mar 7, 2014

Leslie D.

Try blending a little bit more on the tops by the eyebrow :)

Mar 7, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Hi okay I have a few small suggestions...
1. I would fill in her brows a little less harshly but while elongating them. I would bring them closer together because they add a weird look to the shape of her face when so dark and far apart. QUICK TIP#1: The rule saying your brows should start where the sides of your nose starts, is entirely true... The distance between your eye brows actually determine how wide or narrow your nose looks. If you want your nose to look narrower then your brows should be closer together. If you want it wider then they should be farther apart.
2. I would just smooth out the liner and make it more defined were you see the dip on your lid... Also make the wings more even the left is longer than the right.
3. Personally I would blend the uppermost shadow into a transition color leasing to your highlight, to make it a bit softer. It just feels a bit to harsh.
4. The foundation looks like it may be a shade or 2 to light... I suggest finding her shade and using it. Or if you have nothing else, apply bronzer to the highest points of her face to give her a glow so she doesn't look as washed out.

Overall, you did do a very nice job. Just a little tweaking and you'll have it!!:))) Hope this helped, have a marvelous day doll!!:)))

Mar 7, 2014

Symone B.

Makenzie is on the money!

Mar 7, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

Hi, wow thanks!! I kinda used my makeup on her so its going to be light, I noticed the eye brows, I need to find better eyeliner the one I'm using was kinda hard to use. C:

Mar 7, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

Her eyebrows are super hard to do, haha I guess I'm not used to doing stuff on other people :3

Mar 7, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Oh honey don't worry, it takes practice... Trust me...
@Thanks Symone B!! woohoo! $$$

Mar 7, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

Haha yeah I'm doing okay for sixteen.. I hope xD xx

Mar 7, 2014

MaKenzie T.

You are!! The only reason I know the stuff I do at my age(16 too, lol) I'd because I am constantly researching and studying the art, as well as practicing. I shouldn't but lots of times I choose it over my homework... haha.

Mar 7, 2014

Antonia S.

You actually did a great job.
-The eyebrows could be improved but I find eyebrows are extremely difficult to do anyway. Especially when the person doesn't have freshly groomed brows.
-In my personal opinion "elongating" brows towards the nose results in a very unnatural look unless executed by someone who REALLY knows what their doing. I say just start the brows where they naturally are, which you did. Your friend can work towards growing her brows out!
-Normally I would recommend blending out the pink with a soft brown color, but I actually think it looks very nice as is.
Just wanted to say, the foundation coverage looks flawless. You did a great job!
Keep practicing, you have a lot of talent!

Mar 7, 2014

MaKenzie T.

The co erage is flawless, however it is too light. just putting that out there.

Mar 7, 2014

Antonia S.

You already said so in your previous comment, MaKenzie. No need to reiterate the negative.

Mar 7, 2014

MaKenzie T.

I'm just saying because it sounded as though you misunderstood what I said and therefore disagreed, I'm sorry my bad... :))) Have a good day ladies!:)))

Mar 7, 2014

Alma M.

I have to say great job on the eye shadow choice color and the liner is great for her eyes you captured the eye shape and you put the right amount of bottom liner at the correct areas for her eye but I would say on the right bottom eye where it's a bit more added I say do the same on the left as well because it gives a nice smoked out look and as for the eye shadow just soften the edges a bit that's all nothing more and nothing less when working with such colors you Don't necessarily Need a transition color to soften it at the edges or Have a transition color at all it's all about just blending the edges (fade) period with these colors.I also have to say just bring the brows just a tad forward because it's to pulled back inward. Keep in mind not to over think it,When moving the brow to further forward it will start to give a unibrow effect to the look and not work.I know that is something Wayne Goss has suggested (his Nose theory )to slim the upper Nose down but for me I have to disagree with that method.When looking at a face &Brows you must determine what is best for that face and elongating it too forward will give you the (Burt) finish and in the end because of that you your arch will also end up in the wrong area it will misproportion the whole eye.I would also like to say keep it light handed when applying color to the brows.Your attempt was a great start :)

Mar 7, 2014

Caitriona H.

Agree with Antonia :) I really like it although the wings need to be altered slightly :D your friends eyebrows look wild to begin with so I'm going to ignore them (you would hardly going to grow them out and then shape them just to do some practice makeup) and yes the foundation is too light but I actually didn't notice and you were just working with what you had! Thumbs up. Good job :)

Mar 9, 2014

Emzarulaify ..

thank you :3