Get rid of stretch marks.


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Mar 11, 2014

Kennedy S.

Any products or things that will get rid of stretch marks?

Mar 11, 2014

Ariana G.

I would check out the stuff from Palmer's although I never tried it. I yse Bio-Oil for different stuff like getting rid of scars and I HIGHLY recomend it!

Mar 12, 2014

Kristina C.

Bio oil palmers is horrible I have had four babies and used palmers in hope it would at least cause less and failed and stinks in my opinion bio oil helps a lot I used it with my last and it help faded my previous marks :)

Mar 12, 2014

Nicole R.

I suggest going to a dermatologist, I went to one and was prescribed tazorac gel, it works very well :-)

Mar 12, 2014

Nicole R.

Oh and I had horrible red stretch marks on my breasts and the tazorac gel removed them to the point where I can confidently wear a bikini again.

Mar 12, 2014

Ajla N.

Bio oil is good!