Scars and tattoos


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Mar 11, 2014

Janet M.

I have a few scars I'd like to get tattoos over. I've tried laser, creams numerous treatments and nothing works. If anything it made a few a bit worse. I'm tired of wearing make up everyday over them. What I'm wondering is how should the scar look before getting tattooed healing wise? And if its raised can it still be tattooed on.
I wasn't sure what category to put it in so I apologize if its in the wrong one.

Mar 11, 2014

Janet M.

Here's one

Mar 11, 2014

Janet M.

And another

Mar 11, 2014

Jade Q.

As long as your scars are fully healed, they can be tattooed over. We usually make our clients heal for about a year before touching it with any kind of needle. As far as it being raised, that isn't an issue. I've tattooed over a few scars, with absolutely no adverse effects. They healed up just like any other tattoo on un-scarred skin. With all the advancements that have been made when it comes to machine, needle, and ink quality, we can work wonders. Haha I'm a Tattoo artist myself, so just thought I'd pass along the knowledge 👍

Mar 11, 2014

Lindsay H.

Have you tried bio oil?

Mar 11, 2014

Janet M.

Thank you! I appreciate that much. I've heard many different things so the fact that you're an actual tattoo artist helps a lot lol. Well mine have been fully healed for almost 2 years. I tried laser two years ago. I've heard that a busy design won't look as well over it. Any opinion?

Mar 11, 2014

Janet M.

Lindsay H. I've tried so many creams, locations and potions for years and nothing helped lol.

Mar 11, 2014

Jade Q.

Not a problem, anytime I see a tattoo question I try and give my professional opinion. first off, balms, creams, lotions, and oils WILL NOT EVER remove a tattoo. Ever. Those are ploys by dumb companies to make money off of the millions of people with shitty tattoos. The only way to properly and efficiently "remove" a tattoo is (multiple) laser removal procedures. From what I can see in the pictures you posted, the scars aren't bad at all. I've seen some beastly looking scars, and yours are mild in comparison. As far as a "busy" design not looking as good over your scars... I don't see an issue. As long as the artist covering them is a trained professional they should be able to cover with any design you bring them. Don't limit yourself!! Find an artist that you trust and a design you can live with for the rest of your life. Nothing is worse than having to do a coverup! 😖😖😖 lol

Mar 11, 2014

Lindsay H.

Ok it helped me a lot I got into a biking accident and a half of my face got kinda chewed up and I used this and now you can't see any scars it was amazing

But getting a tattoo would be really cool
if you get one you should totally post it I would love to see it after

Mar 11, 2014

Janet M.

Thank you Jade. If I'm ever in CA ill come get a tattoo from you :)

Mar 11, 2014

Z M.

Idunno if it's just me or not but I'm a sucker for scars I think they are so unique and usually have a story behind them.. You should totally embrace them..however if you are of course still considering a tattoo then I'm no help here I have none lol.

Mar 11, 2014

Jade Q.

No problem at all Janet!! I'm happy to be of some help! If you're ever in Southern Cali, definitely come see me and I'd love to help you out with your tattoos 👍

Mar 11, 2014

Magaly E.

Where in Cali are you jade?

Mar 12, 2014

Jade Q.

I'm located in Lake Elsinore, Southern California. :) if you're interested in my work, my IG handle is @jadequailart 👌