Question about toner


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Mar 12, 2014

Sabrina B.

I bought a toner for my face and right now my face is burning. The brand I bought is called the body shop tea tree skin clearing toner. Is this a good brand and also is it good for acne and for oil on my forehead?

Mar 12, 2014

Kyraa D.

If your face is burning then I would wash the toner off your face. your skin doesn't seem to like it. I would maybe take a look at toners that are better for sensitive skin types

Mar 12, 2014

Danny C.

Yeh wash it off. I'd bring it back too. your skin should not burn. taking a guess but check the ingredients for alcohol if it there and in the very begining that meas there's a lot in it. try checking out an alcohol and fragrance free one