Why does this happen?


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Mar 13, 2014

Monica Y.

Ok so I don't know if you can see these bumps on my forehead? But wen I pop the :/ white stuff comes out (nasty) but why?

Mar 13, 2014

Symone B.

I don't know. But I loveee your brows 😍😍

Mar 13, 2014

Olivia G.

Happens to me but they're not noticeable at least, I started using a scrub and they're going away

Mar 13, 2014

Sandra R.

Girl what you talking about your skin is puurfect.

Mar 13, 2014

Shaily K.

Can I have your eyebrows please?

Mar 13, 2014

Cinthya A.

They are just clogged pores. Have a skincare routine and removing makeup well helps get rid of them.

Mar 13, 2014

Monica Y.

Lol thanks ladies I actually drew them in with eyeshadow...Oh ok what would be the steps in a skin care routine I have a toner,face wash, and face mask! but which one is first... Maybe I'm using them wrong and not actually cleaning my face rite lol.

Mar 13, 2014

M G.

Facewash thn toner. Once a week the facemask. You skin is flawless!

Mar 13, 2014

M G.

Also try an exfoliating srub. Good Luck!

Mar 13, 2014

Gabriela L.

Waaah I have those too.

Mar 13, 2014

Julie T.

I have same problems you just got squeeze them out.

Mar 13, 2014

Monica Y.

Thanks girls!! Appreciate the advice;)

Mar 13, 2014

Swati K.

Lovely eye make up... ♡♡♥

Mar 13, 2014

T K.

Have you ever had problems with calcium deposits? I get bumps like those around my eyes and forehead, and when I pop them little white bead like things come out (It's just unabsorbed calcium that has accumulated). If the white stuff is runnier, then these girls are absolutely right about washing and toning. But if it is more bead like, then they are probably calcium deposits.

I really hope that made at least some sense :)

Mar 13, 2014

Brianne S.

Taylor, you just taught me something. I used to have calcium deposits on my face.

Mar 13, 2014

T K.

Well I am absolutely no expert on the matter, but thank you Brianne!

Mar 14, 2014

Monica Y.

No never heard of that? But I'll google it lol thanks Taylor k.