Beauty Blender Advice Seeking...


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Mar 3, 2014

Angel C.

I'm thinking about getting a beauty blender for applying foundation. My questions are: Is there any really significant difference between the original and the pro?? If so what are they? Also, can it be used for Bareminerals Powder foundations for coverage as well? I've used some powder foundations in the past with flat sponges, so I wasn't sure if you could use the Beauty Blender with them for a flawless effect or not.

Thanks in advance

Mar 3, 2014

Kyraa D.

I honestly can't see there being a huge difference. a sponge is a sponge, really. I have the original & it works just fine.
& I'm honestly not sure how well the beauty blender would work with BareMineral products, like the powder foundation, mainly because you need to wet the sponge. it's meant more for cream or liquid products so I think it would be a hit or miss.

Mar 3, 2014

Kaitlyn M.

Get the real technique one. Way cheaper and about the same.

Mar 3, 2014

Caitlin M.

I agree with Kyra, a sponge is a sponge. It's all about the brand name I think. I have tried a dupe from some off brand I found at TJ Maxx and it was horrible, it was so stiff and even when dampened absorbed all of my foundation. But for Christmas I got the one from Real Techniques and it was a world of difference. I don't really use it to actually apply the foundation, I still use a brush for that, but I use it afterwards to blend everything and I see a huge difference. It helps take away any tackiness, shine or cakeyness. I really recommend getting theirs, its $6 and does the exact same thing. I actually like the shape of it better, it has a flat edge where as the beauty blender is just round.

But for powder foundation I'd use a brush. I don't have too much experience with powder foundations so I'm not really sure how it would work with a sponge. In most cases with a sponge like the beauty blender you dampen it with water so I'm not sure how compatible it would be with powder products. It seems like it is more meant for liquid or cream products. But for $6 I think it would be worth experimenting with :)

Mar 3, 2014

Gen S.

I have both the original (pink) and the pro (black) beauty blenders. The material is different, so the finish is also different. I do notice difference, and I love the finish my black beauty blender gives me. I actually purchased if off beautylish :)

Mar 3, 2014

Natalie L.

Try eBay. You can get good quality ones for about a dollar, sometimes less. Search for water drop sponge or gourd sponge.

Mar 3, 2014

Angel C.

Cool. I was wanting to get it for my Studio Gear Studio Matte Foundation, but was wondering if I could also use it for Bareminerals. I guess I'll get the sponge for liquid and a good brush for my powder. Thanks! I'll look into it.

And oh @Gen S. Is the finish for the pro more of an airbrushed look? Just curious. Do you have any pictures of the finished looks for both to make a comparison?

Mar 3, 2014

Kyraa D.

Maybe I do have the pro then.. cause I opted for the black beauty blender over the pink one, lolol.