At what temperature does hair burn?


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Feb 24, 2014

Moni K.

At what temperature does hair burn/get split ends? I always use a heat protectant when I blow dry my hair, but I'm scared to put it on the hot setting because I don't want split ends. Does it burn at around 450?F if you have thick hair?

Feb 24, 2014

Gen S.

It depends on your hair. depends if it's fine, medium, or coarse. 450 is pretty hot for hair, it's usually only for professional use. Would not recommend using that heat setting.

Feb 24, 2014

Kendra H.

It really just depends on your hair. I have super fine hair that burns at some of the lowest settings... I'd say that 450 for thick hair is probably ok.

Feb 24, 2014

Symone B.

^ cosign with Chanel. If you aren't professional I wouldn't go past 415 degrees

Feb 24, 2014

Moni K.

I actually don't know what temperature the blow dryer is (on the hot setting). I figured 450? was hot when I googled it something under 350?F would be fine (I have really thick hair)? I have a chi rocket emf blow dryer... does anyone know the temperature of it? Its 1800 watts.

Feb 25, 2014

Olivia G.

No matter what the temperature it'll burn, you're putting delicate strands of hair between to burning plates

Feb 25, 2014

Laura B.

Some where on here there is a thread that shows how hot is too hot! But I would say 450 is too hot for hair

Feb 25, 2014

Catherine C.

Thickness doesn't determine whether or not your hair will burn easily its the circumference of the hair strand Ex. fine medium and coarse your can be super thick and still burn easily if its all fine, and your hair will get split ends no matter what everything effects the health of your hair even the type of water you use to wash it advice is always use the heat protectant and get trimmed every few months to prevent split ends.

Feb 25, 2014

Moni K.

Thanks everyone! I hardly ever get split ends, I just wanted to know if I could blow dry my hair on the hot setting (using heat protectant).
@Olivia G. I never straighten my hair...I've only straightened it like 5 times in my life lol.
@Catherine C I would say my hair is between medium and course.

Feb 25, 2014

Roz X.

450 is crazy. I would never go anywhere near that. Yipes!

Feb 25, 2014

Lia L.

450! No way! I use 400 for my brazilian keratin therapy but with a high-grade heat protectant. And 400 is super hot yet. Only for those professional treatments. And Moni if you are naturally blond your hair have less melanin, which provides the color of hair and it make it more resistant to heat. So I think it's better for you a lower temperature like 300-330. If it's hard to you get it straight it may be because your hair need moisture, instead of using high temperatures, you can use oil to get it straight,protect, and moisture. I use the organix ever straight keratin serum and it makes my hair so easy to straighten with lower temperatures, and my hair is black and thick. With a blow dryer should be safer, I don't think a blow dryer can go over 400 on the hot setting. just don't hold it on the same spot for long☺.

Feb 25, 2014

Celeste G.

Depends on how long you hold it and your hair type:)