Hair Tinsel?


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Aug 15, 2011

Erin M.

what do you think of hair tinsel/hair bling? love it or hate it?

Aug 15, 2011

Drea L.

I saw a woman wearing a few blue ones in her hair yesterday. She was 24ish & didn't look half bad. It was odd, but I guess it looked ok for the occasion (she was vacationing here) I would NEVER wear them because it's not my style, but I guess it can look fun for a fun night out or something.

Aug 15, 2011

Angela W.

Not for me. Strangely enough the only women I've seen sporting it appeared to be 40+ (at a rodeo show... in Vegas... so yea, not sure what to make of that lol!)

Aug 15, 2011

Isabelina B.

eh, it looks pretty tacky in my opinion. but i saw a little girl wearing it and that was SO cute :]