Fav Beauty Blog?


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What is your Favorite beauty blog and why?

Wow nice one! Just subbed to it and your blog!

Need you ask? Why, Kandee Johnson of course! She's about as fabulous as it gets! 


Omg I love her! Lol 

Really?!?! I figured those bigger gurus didnt come on here much. 

Temptalia.com and xsparkage.com :) both are very informative

Aug 27, 2011

Laura D.

http://www.beyouonlybetter.com ~because it's mine! :) There are tons of beauty recommendations and also self-help tips and articles that make you think. Its important to be beautiful on the outside AND the inside - Both Count!
And if you want to subscribe to like it on facebook thats:
http://www.facebook.com/beyouonlybetter I'd be thrilled if you did! :)

nouveaucheap.blogspot.com - she does great drugstore stuff
www.temptalia.com - of course
www.musingsofamuse.com - great stuff there too - i think she's the blogging equivalent of irene from youtube
www.vampyvarnish.com - lots of nail stuff here

and of course, mine :-)

Great ones! thx