Wait Time In Between Products?


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Jul 20, 2011

Jane A.

So how long do you beauties wait in between applying products on your face? I ask because there are experts that say, to wait until one product completely absorbs into your skin before applying the next one. For example, after you tone -- when you have to apply your anti-aging cream, eye cream, moisturizer, foundation, etc.

I don't mind waiting 15 minutes each (That's what I read is the "ideal" wait time) when I'm applying my face products (toner, acne topical, anti-aging cream, moisturizer, etc.) at night before I sleep. During the day however, I'm really crunch for time, and I'm luckly if I can wait 60 seconds in between products. =|

So what do you beauties think?

Jul 20, 2011

Ashley A.

I have been using multiple products for my face for 4 years now, I dont necessarily wait. I usually wait until it feels right, to where i can move on to my next product without it feeling like i am loading things on. But, after you wash your face, it should feel really tight and start to dry out quickly because you have just eliminated all the things open on your skin.. you dont want to wait to put your toner on.. because it will dry out your skin even more. And after your toner.. you're going to need to moisturize right away anyways. I wouldnt wait, in the long run, it could confuse your skin. 

Jul 20, 2011

Erica H.

Well, after I wash my skin and use toner I wait until it's kinda dry, which doesn't take long, then put my moisturizer on. I will wait until my moisturizer dries up or sinks in or whatever and then I'll put my foundation on. I definitely don't wait no 15 min between every step.

Jul 20, 2011

Katie D.

With my skincare, I cleanse, tone, then apply treatment. Usually I'll wait a couple minutes after my treatment (if I have to use one) to put on my moisturizer. I read from Renee Rouleau (an esthetician to the stars) that she recommends that you tone then put on your moisturizer while it's still wet because the toner will help the moisturizer absorb into the skin. Now for my makeup, when I put on primer I left it sit til it dries then put on my concealer and foundation because otherwise my foundation just slides off.

Jul 22, 2011

Jane A.

Thanks for the reply beauties.

I'm usually on to the next product the second my face feels dry. So I feel relived that it's ok to do. =)

To me, as long as my face feels relatively dry it's all good. I like to mix my makeup routine in with my getting ready routine =P
When i do my toner I stop after and get dressed, then after my moisturizer I accessorize, then after my face products I get my bag together, so on so forth! It's fun and minimizes on time wasted while waiting.

I apply a light mist of water to my face before I apply my eye cream and moisturizer. It's been my experience that they work better and I use a lot less product that way too.

I do my eyes first to let everything settle into my skin before I start on foundation. I hate the feeling of moisturizer immediately before foundation - it's too heavy.