powder vs cream blushes


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Jul 20, 2011

ashley h.

i don't know much about cream blushes. are creams better for summer or do they tend to melt off a bit like foundation? any advice/discussion is appreciated!

Jul 20, 2011

Mandy H.

I do think that cream blushes are good for the summertime because it'll actually stay on for most of the day but if you want to get more wear out of the cream blush, I would set it with a tiny bit of a similar powder blush. This is just my opinion lol hope it helps! :)

Check out my blog too if you want! :)


Jul 20, 2011

Madel R.

I think as long as you have a good face primer either should work! and stay on well and the other key thing is a good powder set to seal the makeup onto your face. I use powder blush because I don't like the feel of cream blush but I do like "tint" or stain, it is very light and can last the whole day!

Let me know if you want any tips I have a makeup blog:

I answer all the questions of my followers and can help you find looks.

Jul 21, 2011

ashley h.

thank you both for the advice. as odd as this sounds, my mother had to dress up as raggity ann the other day (a charity thing for her work!) & the only thing closes to red we could get was a powder/cream combo. i never asked her, but i doubt she touched up &i know she was sweating balls, indiana is sizzling like bacon right now!

& i do want to try a tint blush! i'm just trying to find a cheaper one! i'm a tight ass sometimes!

i'm following both your blogs. i'm thinking of starting one myself. i have a blogspot all set up & ready to go & a few post drafted. but this tumblr thing is looking hella interesting. (:

Jul 21, 2011

ashley h.

oh snap i lied! madel, i can't follow you because tumblr doesn't have GFC. bummmer. ): i thought google controlled everything, lol!

Jul 21, 2011

Madel R.

Okay well you can still visit it and see what I put on there! I was happy to help! :)

Oh and you can just follow me on here!

Jul 21, 2011

Kelsea M.

I like to use cream blush after I do my concealer and before I set my face with powder. My translucent powder sets the cream blush and then I usually apply just a bit of powder blush on top to get a little extra colour.

Jul 21, 2011

Crysta C.

I honestly like the powder blushes better because I feel like the application is more even and the formula keeps it from melting under the hot sun! I know that's my first worry whenever I use cream (as much as I love my NARS!) 

Jul 21, 2011

Alexis B.

I definitely agree that if you want it to last in the summer, a cream blush plus a like powder will do the best. Personally, I use a lot of powder blushes bc that's just what ive always owned, but i think i want to build my cream blush collection, even tho it's most probably something i would wear mainly in the summer :)

Jul 21, 2011

ashley h.

thanks for all the advice ladies! i'm definitely going to try using blush & just a setting powder. i don't even know how hot it's been here this week, but it's been straight 88 at my work so i'm actually not wearing much makeup right now at all. ):

Jul 22, 2011

Evelyn B.

you should try both and see which one you feel works best for you. I personally love to use cream blushes. I love the feel and the look it gives me.