Date Outfit?


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Aug 6, 2011

Madison M.

I have a date next monday and I was wondering if a maxi dress would be an appropriate outfit? 

Aug 7, 2011

Rachel S.

Have you dated the guy before? Where are you going on the date? There are a lot of thing involved in picking an outfit. Personally, especially if this were a first date, I would wear jeans and a cute flirty top. It gives you more options on what you can do on the date. But the most important thing for a first date is confidence. If you feel more confident in a maxi-dress than jeans and a top then go for it. Have fun on your date and let us know if you need help with the second date outfit. :)

Jeans are always the perfect go-to for first date attire... maxi dresses are okay, but it could send off the wrong signals to a guy... you might look too "girly" with his first impression.

Aug 7, 2011

Erica H.

Personally I think maxi dresses look way too formal, kind of like youre on your way to prom or your wedding or something. You know what I mean? I would go with jeans and a cute shirt. :)

Aug 7, 2011

Madison M.

its our 2nd date but i know him really well and we are just going to a sushi lunch so i wanted something comfortable. and i do feel more confident in a maxi dress it fits my personality and its something i wear alot.
thanks everyone :)

Aug 11, 2011

Jazmine G.

I think a maxi dress would look stunning on you. I've seen tons of girls through out the bay area wear them just to go grocery shopping! What's cool is they can be dressed up or down. Sushi with a cute guy on a date in a comfy maxi dress sounds like the perfect day to me. Have a blast. :)

XOXO, jazmine

Jul 27, 2013

Whitney A.

I personally hate maxi dresses I'm thinking a mini skirt and a tighter crop top.

Sep 1, 2013

Hallie R.

I would say maybe jean shorts and a loose top. But maxi dresses are great too if they have bright colors. Hope you have a fun date.