What is the best makeup case to buy?


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Dec 31, 2010

Tanecka L.

Im looking to buy a Makeup Train Case for professional use. Anyone have any great suggestions?

What's your price range? Professional train cases can go into the hundreds especially the large ones. Are you looking for a carry on? One that's check in? Metal? Patterned? 

i invested in my ZUCA. love it and great for traveling too.

I purchased my train case at my work, London Drugs. I believe it is a Caboodles train case and it was only like $24.99, amazing price and it has a little lock and everything. I don't see there to be any reason to spend more than that on a train case. This one is really sturdy and can hold all my 'must have weekend' items. 

My own train case is a "smallish" one and it was around $24.99 as well but it's not a professional case. Most large pro cases are typically HUGE monstrosities that are around a meter or more in height. This is why I asked the original poster what her price point was as well as exactly what was she looking for. Does she want a carry on, with trays or drawers, or does she want a large one that requires to be checked in if flying? Metal? Printed? Patterned? What? So many choices out there to choose from among the pro cases that it's not as simple as saying go to the local drug store and buy a $24.99 case as those typically contain two to three small trays on either side and a large empty space. I have one (and it's a Caboodle one) but for a pro it's a junk case since it wastes too much space.

Just like Lakahna, I absolutely LOVE my Zuca Pro Artist bag. Easy to tote around (because of the wheels) and has a ton of storage room! However, its only useful if you do freelancing and need a large variety of products on you (like I typically do lol). Target & Ulta have some more practical train cases though.

Jan 4, 2011

Chelsey C.

ooo you girls are getting me excited about the zuca... I've been patiently saving up for it!!!

Jan 7, 2011

Breanna B.

For my personal use I have the big MAC case, but you could probably find one for cheaper. But for pro use (photoshoots and such) I invested in the Japonesque Stackable Pro Case. It's pretty expensive at around $400 but it holds everything, I mean everything. Including my iwata airbrush machine. I definitely recommend that one if you're looking for something to shoot with :)

Jan 11, 2011

Patrice S.

im cheap and refuse to spend a whole lot of money on a case. i went to walmart and brought me a storage tool box on wheels for $20 and its perfect and holds a ton of stuff. going to post some pics of it. i saw someone else do it and i was like thats a great idea.

Jan 11, 2011

Patrice S.

here are more pictures. the top part is deep inside and hold all my palletts and other things. the botton which lets down holds alot.

Jan 13, 2011

Renee M.

I have the exact same one Patrice. Had it for 4 years now and still satisfied

Jan 14, 2011

Patrice S.

Renee its the greatest and its cheap!

Jun 8, 2013

Marcia M.

Omg I think I need this

Aug 31, 2013

JoAnne G.

Hi Patrice...I was wondering if you could give the exact name of the case please??