my beautiful, brave sister


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My eldest sister was diagnosed in April with stage 2 breast cancer. Her treatment has been aggressive to say the least (she's on her 4th round of chemo, radiation to follow). She's lost her hair, her eyebrows, eyelashes - and her's taken on a strange, yellowish cast. I did her makeup yesterday and tried 3 different bases, including primer - nothing seemed to get rid of the yellow, not even a lavender concealer.

I have never knowingly worked on someone with cancer, so this issue is pretty new to me. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'd like to be able to at least buy her some good products that work, won't irritate her skin now that it's become super-sensitive and be easy for her to use. Cost = not an issue.

Thanks beauties =)  

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister! <3
I've never dealt with anything like that, but all I know it Cover FX is amazing at covering just about anything... you could try that!

I hope she gets better <3 <3 

The poor soul! I wish you and your family all of the strength and love this kind of situation requires, and I truly hope she has a successful recovery.

I've never personally worked on anybody with such a condition, but maybe try the Stila one step corrector, or something of the sort? That and a creme foundation would be my two cents worth.

Best of luck to you and yours. <3<3

Thanks so much to both of you! Will keep you updated! xx

I can't think of any advice right now, but I just wanted to say I hope your sister gets better.<3

Aug 1, 2011

Erica H.

I'm not sure, but I will be praying for your sister! I hope that she gets better!