what do you need to be a freelance make-up artist


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Jul 25, 2011

Brandi C.

me and my friend want to start a business be we want to do it right 

Jul 26, 2011

Samantha G.

if you guys can get into a class or two at a local place, definitely check into that. not to say you aren't already good but it might give you something new to try that you normally wouldn't or show an easier way to do what you're already doing! :) plus then you can add on a business card/brochure that you've taken classes

Jul 26, 2011

Brandi C.

Thank u for the advice I'm actually in school and 2 months away from getting my cosmology licence and my friend has hers but what about the legal stuff do u have to have a business licence or some kind of insurance 

business cards, a website (with your portfolio and client refrences) and network as much as you can. I created a blog : www.prettyinpigment.com and share all kinds of looks, tips tricks, etc. It has helped me build my clientele by posting my post to my FB page. Friends like my looks, and share them with there friends, which helps generate business.
I have picked up special events makeup and a free promotional jobs from this. Another great way is by networking with local models and photographers. Its a great way to continue to build your port while also finding paid jobs. Goodluck!