Eyes Before Foundation or Foundation Before Eyes?


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Dec 17, 2012

Avery M.

I like to do foundation first. It's nice to work on a perfect canvas. I don't get much fallout. 

Dec 17, 2012

Kimberly E.

As a professional makeup artist, you do eyes first then foundation. That way you can clean up fall out without messing with your foundation 

Dec 17, 2012

Lydia E.

There are new under eye catching pads you can purchase for that. And personally I do eyes before foundation

Dec 17, 2012

Ari W.

There is no professional artist answer, different people use different techniques according to what works for them.Mario Dedivanovic and Scott Barnes both do foundation first when they work on Kim K and she is notorious for dramatic smokey eyes.

That said I always mean to do my eyes first but whenever I do my makeup I fall into habit and forget and do my foundation and Im like ohh crap! :/

Dec 23, 2012

Emilie M.

I will use a mascara guard / shadow Shield.

Dec 23, 2012

Amber W.

You can always use q tips 

Dec 24, 2012

Sydney F.

I was wondering the same thing! But now I dont think it really matters. But you shouldnt have fallout... are you using primer?? But personally, I like to do foundation first just bcause you dont have to worry about getting any of it into your eyeshadow.

Dec 24, 2012

Christina R.

Blowing on a client's face is extremely unprofessional and unsanitary! It's just like blowing on makeup brushes -- a no-no. The issue is not your personal oral hygiene or breath; you may not be able to see them but you're getting saliva and germs wherever you're blowing.
I prefer to do a light layer of foundation cut with some moisturizer to even out skin tone while moisturizing and then applying product to the eyes. It's concealing any uneven texture/tone as well as giving me a nice base to work with, and if I get any fall out onto the face it's not a huge deal to wipe away because I'm going to be building up the face (foundation, blush, contour, highlight) anyway.  

Different makeup artists have different theories on this one. but personally, I start with a base, do the eyes and then mop up any spills if I have to (which rarely happens with my swift genius strokes lol). The reason I apply a base first is to let it 'set' while I do the eyes. Then I put powder/fixing spray on last.

Example: http://williamspromakeup.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/summer-holiday-transformation-warm.html