Guys as Makeup Artists


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Feb 5, 2012

Myka A.

Kudos to them, i really admire guys who are so great in makeup unlike with other women you know what i mean they are even better than me haha:) i like greg and gossmakeup from YT who's yours :)

Feb 5, 2012

Zoe C.

I like petrilude and xxmichaeljames :D

Feb 5, 2012

Arie C.

Michael James! <3 love him so much

Feb 5, 2012

Miss Manny S.

Goss makeup artist!! He's amazing and you can really tell he's a professional. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's nice to look at.

^Nicole, I agree 100%! Gender plays no role when it comes to talent! =]

Billy B, Sam Fine, Byron Williams, Jeffrey Paul to name a few :)

Feb 6, 2012

Zoe C.

@Andrew he may not be, but Myka asked who our favourites from YT were and he is :) MUA or not, he's still talented and I've learned a lot from him :)

Feb 6, 2012

Myka A. Andrew this is greg

Feb 6, 2012

Myka A.

i know whatever gender as long as it's talent it's amazing :P but i really love it when guys does makeup :)

Feb 6, 2012

Lisa U.

Wayne Goss - gossmakeupartist.

He's professional and so friendly<3 I love Micheal James as well :)

Feb 6, 2012

Lisa U.

Petrilude as well 

@lisa Love Josh!

@Lisa There are only a couple of people who I have allowed to put makeup on my face and I always let Josh do it. But then again, he is a really good friend of mine and knows my facial structure very well :)

I'm going to have to agree with Nils' picks on male makeup artists! They are all amazing, especially Jeffrey Paul. He has a very special place in my heart because he is doing such amazing selfless work with his talents. 

Thanks for the love girl, I'm more of a nail person but I still consider myself a proficient makeup artist!

JeanfrancoisCD is all kinds of fabulous. 

Andrea F.

Feb 7, 2012

Andrea F.

Kevyn Aucoin, obviously. But for youtube Petrilude is just great. Ahah. Gender doesn't coincide with talent, I agree! I like when women are successful in male dominated fields and vice versa. :)