Sheading Brushes


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i have some MAC brushes and also Bare Mineral brushes and they shed... what to do.. i dont wanna spend $$$ on xpensive brushes when i can get a cheaper bran that doesnt shed ..what do u think???

Jan 5, 2012

Ashley K.

A lot of brushes shed regardless of how much they cost. Losing a few bristles here and there is normal. If it coming out in say clumps than I would say there's something wrong.

Do they shed every time or just now and again?

thannku thats good to know ill look into the brushes..i also have some Eco Tool brushes and those so far are the best they dont shed at ALL even after washing and there super super soft... 

@ashley k- my bare minerals one sheads it seems everytime i use it so i stopd using it the mac here and there...

Jan 5, 2012

Ashley K.

I wouldn't worry about it. I have to agree the sigma brushes are awesome I just got the Mr bunny kit its awesome