Getting My Boyfriend to Switch Face Washes!


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Hey, fellow beauties! I need some boyfriend uses Noxema every day...not only does the smell make me physically ill...if my face touches his face then it breaks me out! What I'm asking you all is...what face wash do you know about that has a similar texture but doesn't have that intense smell?! Please, help! I know this may seem selfish and terrible to some of you guys...but I want to be able to be near him without breaking out! Haha. Thanks in advance :)

Jan 3, 2012

Amelia R.

My boyfriend uses Proactiv. His skin is perfectly clear and I've never had to deal with any weird smells. Hope that helps =]]

Jan 5, 2012

Sarah B.

I don't like the Noxema smell either. I would buy him St. Ives green tea cleanser or Neutrogena Grapefruit.  Mmmmm!!!

Jan 10, 2012

Adriana M.

St. Ives would be the way to go! They have gentle, fruity scents & are great for your skin :)