Anyone computer savvy?


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My laptop will not connect to the internet at all. I'm on my parent's pc right now.

All last night it kept telling me I need an ethernet cable. I have a WLAN, so I've never needed one before. My connector button thingy is staying on amber (it shines blue when it's connected) and whenever I push it it does nothing. Apparently my WLAN is disabled, but I have to clue how to re-enable it.

Anybody help? I HATE taking my laptop into the store to get it fixed, but I think I might have to.

Try right clicking on "My Computer" in your Windows Explorer and select "Hardware". Check your wireless card to see if it's working properly/enabled.

Whew! It's been a while since I've thought about Windows...

Lol yes it has, because I found the hardware button in Control Panel =P

I don't know where my waireless card is, though.. I've been trying to troubleshoot different things, and all it's telling me is what I know, that I need to turn on my wlan connector. I think I have to take it in. ):

Is your parent's PC on wifi?

And have you tried unplugging the power from the router for 60 seconds and restarting?

It's their wifi I use, but their pc has an ethernet cable

WLAN is your wireless network, not your computer hardware so it must be something with the wireless router.

Or your software.

Sorry for all the posts...I'm just working it through my head.

So it could be the router then (ethernet cable connections rarely have issues like wifi). I would just reboot both your computer and the router to see what happens. It happens to be on occasion.

Okay, I'll reset everything and see what happens. I rebooted my laptop last night when it happened and it recovered my connection for a little while, but I lost it again. Will report back shortly =P

Thanks for all your help, by the way, this is very kind of you!

IT WORKED IT WORKED!! I restarted everything and my internet's up and running now (: Thanks so much Heather!

Oct 7, 2011

Ashley K.

Laptops are tricky it could be a number of simple or complicated things.

I would first trouble shoot it and go to Start> Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center (That how I get to mine using Windows 7)

Once your in there I would try and set up the network all over again. If your using a router with a password make sure the password has not changed, thats a common problem for some routers.

If that doesn't work try plugging it in directly to ensure that the internet connectivity is still functional. If it works that way its either a wireless card issue on your laptop or a router issue. Are you the only one who uses wireless in the house?

Also depending on the model of your laptop they sometime off like a on and off position make sure its in the correct spot. Sometimes that's the easiest thing to overlook, Ive done it myself on several occasions haha

We figured it out, but thank you for the input!