blog views per day/month


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Apr 6, 2011

Maya C.

Hey beauties!
I was just wondering, for those of you that have blogs, how many views does it get on average? Per day or month or whatever. I was chatting with a friend who says she gets very few, but another girl chimed in and said she got 50 a day (both of them use Blogger and they both started around the same time and they talk about pretty much the same stuff). Anyway, I was just curious as to what the average was!

For me, it totally varies. Some days I get 20 and some days I get 75 - 100, like today. I don't really see a method to the madness: I'm giving away free Arcona and I get 15 hits (no subscribers) yet I mention a free Target bag and my counter blows up. Within minutes I had +40 hits.

Apr 17, 2011

DeShelle W.

I get around 300 a week one time I got 700 I get emailed my blog hits weekly.

Beauty Videos

Beauty Blog


Jan 19, 2016

Andreia D.

At the moment I only have 3... I've only just started.. check it out

Jan 21, 2016

Tina F.

I've received around 10 to 50 views it depends. Make sure you talk and interact with other blogger in community blogging. It helps so much☺️