Have you been CROWNED!!!


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I love my Crown brushes!!!! All the brushes I own are by Crown. Not only are they inexpensive but are great quality. The have some brushes that are great replicas of the MAC. I totally recommend these brushes to anybody.

I'll be getting a few brushes at IMATS... I've been wanting to try the brand, but shipping is a little high.

It's $7.00 for me, how much is it for you?

I put in 2 brushes and I think it was $9/$10. It didn't seem worth it to me. Unless I'm just spoiled and used to really cheap and sometimes free shipping haha.

I must be spoiled too because I am always on the hunt for a deal and actually the brushes I got where throught discounts and or deals the YT people get. I purchased a brush set in Dec. throught a deal that Kandee Johnson did and I just purchased another brush set through Enkore (Koren Zanders) but I have bought individual brushes as well. I just love them and like you I am waiting for IMATS!!!!

You're going to IMATS? I'm so excited to go... it's my first IMATS.

Yes, I have been saving my money :-) I have made my list and I have checked it twice...lol. this too will be my first time at IMATS. I soooo excited!!!!!

oh I'm going to take a look at the companies listed and make my list before I leave. I need to be prepared cause I know it'll be insane.

That's what I did. I printed out the floor plan and wrote down the names of the stands I want to visit. It's going to be an experience.

Thanks for following me..right back at you babe. ;-)

thanks for following me back :)