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May 10, 2011

Hazel E.

hi ladies! i've been wondering this for awhile now. so, i wanna start working out but i've gotten used to not washing my hair for 3, 4 days. would you need to wash more often since you get sweaty and stuff? i have frizzy, dry, damaged hair.

Jamie D.

May 11, 2011

Jamie D.

I have to wash my hair every time I do cardio, but I work out pretty hard. If you don't get too sweaty you can get away with a dry shampoo or just style it up. If you are just weight training, yoga, or pilates then you won't sweat much.

May 11, 2011

Angela W.

I skip washing after working out all the time. Usually I just do a little bump in the front with pins and a pony in the back. I feel like it's cuter than just a basic pony tail but it still gives my hair a break between washings. Here's a pic I found that's really similar to what I do with mine:

Jamie D.

May 11, 2011

Jamie D.

That's a wicked idea! I wish I could do that, but because my hair is wavy when I brush it into a pony tail when it is dry the tail looks like a frizz puff.

May 11, 2011

Angela W.

Oh girl, I know what you mean- my hair is naturally wavy too! It's a big frizzy mess when I wake up in the AM. Here's a version (that I happen to be wearing today) of the same hairstyle with a messy bun to hide the frizz : ) Sometimes I'll tame the ends with a little bit of styling product but usually I just let the bun go wild hehe

May 11, 2011

Angela W.

Hmm, sorry for the sideways pics, it keeps rotating them... but here's another view in case you wanna try it:

May 12, 2011

Hazel E.

thanks guys, and thanks mandy for explaining the pouf. i was just gonna ask that. do you guys exercise regularly? i'm trying to get back into shape and it's been a long time since i've exercised. is it ok to shower but not shampoo and just massage your scalp on those days were you don't wash your hair? ahh i hope that makes sense

May 12, 2011

Angela W.

I'm not naturally thin... chubbs as a kid and relapse into Chubtown when I'm lax on the workouts. I have to do at least four to five days a week of 30+ mins of varied cardio and weights/calisthenics to maintain a normal BMI (Body Mass Index). In fact, one of the best things I ever did was use Google to find a BMI calculator for a little reality check on how much more I needed to get my booty in gear......

And my hair? Well, if it's a little greasy then people can just deal with it because I'M ok with not washing it every single day. I don't want to damage my hair more after bleaching so I don't always wash it like I've described above. I totally get what you mean about "massages" btw- I do a little massage/head scratch action every night! : D

Jamie D.

May 12, 2011

Jamie D.

Angela please tell me you have a video tutorial on that style; I LOVE it!!!!

Especially since you have dry, damaged hair, I wouldn't wash my hair every single day. You wouldn't want to strip your hair of oils that keep it healthy and maintained. I am oily-skinned and sweat like a pig, so after a work out I HAVE to shampoo it...but since you have dry, frizzy hair it's OK if not better NOT to wash it. So I'd base that decision of washing your goodness every 3-4 days on how much you sweat and how much oils you naturally produce.

May 12, 2011

Hazel E.

i still have an oily scalp but my hair is super fried. weird combo, i know :(

May 12, 2011

Angela W.

@ Jamie D.- I've never done a video!!! I have an HD recorder and everything but I haven't set it up yet. As soon as I do I'll make a video for you : )

A girl in my art class asked me if she could record me while I put my hair up in "the messy bun" so there IS one floating around in the world though lol! Maybe I could get her to send it to me from her phone.... 

May 13, 2011

Luna V.

I wash my hair once a week to maintain colour and condition--any more than that will cause my hair to look frizzy and dry and start to crack. However, I do 1-2 hours of cardio every other day and I do shower afterwards--but I don't always wash my hair. The oils my scalp produces as a result doesn't bother me and my hair doesn't look "greasy" as a result, though if I do feel overwhelmingly sweaty, I'll "wash" my hair with a conditioner or a very gentle, colour-safe shampoo (my fave still being Aveda's Damage Repair). 

May 13, 2011

Luna V.

@Smashley: I can't either. I don't have a mullet, but I do have a sort of grown-out pixie. The best I can do is try and smooth it back. (Okay, I lie, I can pull the front up, but it looks like a whale spout and is totally too ridiculous even for gym-wear :P )

Jamie D.

May 13, 2011

Jamie D.

@Angela I am eagerly awaiting either that video or the one you make! Will you post it to my profile when either is available?

May 15, 2011

Angela W.

Aww.. you're the first person to ever ask for a video- as soon as I get my camera up and running i'll post it : ) Thanks for asking!

I have to wash every day that I workout unless i'm yoga only. If I'm not working out I will go 3 - 4 days between washings.  xoxo

Hazel E.

east bay area, ca