Help - Broken eyeshadow


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Oct 20, 2010

Vivian L.

So I just got my ELF Beauty Encyclopedia in the mail yesterday, after waiting for about a month. 5 minutes ago, I dropped it, and one of the eyeshadows shattered! =( Can someone please tell me how I can fix it? Or is it a lost cause? Am I better off just de-panning it and throwing it away?

I haven't even started using this. So heartbroken!

Oct 20, 2010

Vivian L.

Here's what the damage looks like.

no, don't throw it away! Take all of the shadow out into a small ziplock bag. Be careful with it so that the shadow doesn't go everywhere. Gather all the powder into one corner of the bag and drop a few drops of rubbing alcohol in it. Mush it together. Then after the powder is clay-like, take as much out of the bag as you can and put it into the pan. The consistency should be pretty thick since you've just added liquid to it. Then take a small flat object (like a dime) and put it inside a clean piece of cloth that you have. Wrap the cloth around the coin and use the flatness of the coin to press into the shadow in the pan. Press really hard with lots of pressure. Try to make the top as flat as possible, but basically you are pressing everything into the pan. You are going to lose SOME product in this process, but you shouldn't lost a lot. I hope I explained myself well. After you've pressed it in there really well, let it dry over night. It should be good the next day. I've done this with many of my shadows and blushes and they've never broken after. You have to make sure to press with lots of pressure so the powder really clings together in the pan.
Hope that helps!

Oct 22, 2010

Vivian L.

Wow Sharon, you're a godsend. I am going to try this out tonight...after I get some rubbing alcohol. I'll let you know if I manage to salvage what's left.

Thanks SO much! 

Thanks for that tip sharon. I will def do that next time. :)

Oct 26, 2010

Kristen A.

You could try some regular rubbing alcohol to re-press it? There are plenty of videos on turning pigments into pressed form and that may help salvage your shadow! :)