Can white people use bb cream?


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Nov 12, 2011

mia m.

I've heard both good and bad things about BB Creams.
I know something about its benefits but also I heard that BB Creams are more suitable for Asians because of their skin tone. I'm a white girl. I wonder that does it works on my skin tone, too? 

Nov 12, 2011

Zoe C.

I'm chalk white, and BB creams work fine for me! Don't listen to all that rubbish, they're made to work on everyone :)

Nov 12, 2011

mia m.

Thanks :)

Like Zoe said, it works fine for pretty much everyone except those who are really dark skinned.

Nov 13, 2011

Zoe C.

@Yasmin, I'm not dark skinned, but it does annoy me that they can't use BB creams, it's like if foundations only went as far as medium >_< I hope someone does make a BB cream for darker people eventually :P

Have you tried mixing your BB cream with foundation? It's a tip I learned from someone here and absolutely loved it. I now share this tip when ever possible. Right now I'm using BB cream as a base for my mineral shadow but as soon as I switch back to liquid foundation (in the winter) I'll be mixing my foundation with bb cream.

Nov 14, 2011

Zoe C.

@Yasmin thats such a good idea! I have a lot of people ask me if they can use BB creams because they have darker skin, so I'll definitely have to pass that on! :)

Nov 15, 2011

Soma S.

Missha has some new darker shades... But I think the reason they don't translate too well to darker colors is that they have such a high SPF content... If it makes pale skinned lovelies look ashy (depending on brand/SPF content) they probably still have a bit to go with introducing it to a broader spectrum of foundation colors.

Check out Missha though on YouTube for their darker/tan shades to gauge for yourself if it'll work for you. Good luck!