Dark eye circle and lids advice


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Nov 12, 2011

Maegan G.

Anyone have advice on how to even the skin tone including your eyelids and under eyes? I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun and I always look like I never sleep or I'm dead!! HELP!

Nov 12, 2011

Amanda L.

It would depend on the color (like blue, red, etc.). Personally, my lids are darker and have a red tint compared to the rest of my skin. To conceal the redness, I use a skin toned primer (as opposed to a translucent one), and for me that completely even's out the color of my lids. Recently I've been using Loreal's De-Crease, it's a great drugstore eye shadow base (and i believe it was only $8. It also lasts a while).

For blue discoloration, a salmon colored base or concealer works best. I personally cannot recommend any, but I know EmilyNoel on Youtube has recommended a few, and I believe MakeUpGeek has also.

Hope this helps (:

Nov 12, 2011

Maegan G.

Thank you Amanda! I will deff have to try that! 

Courtney A.

Nov 13, 2011

Courtney A.

To piggyback on what Amanda was saying. Trying to cover discoloration like that with a skin tone concealer is useless, it always shows through gray. Really try to look at a color wheel. If you see that your discoloration is more blue you need orange to correct it and if you see that it is more purple you need yellow. the salmon color correctors usually help most people because it is a nice balance to even out either color.
The corrector that you choose is going to depend on how dark your under eye circles are. If they are extremely dark and blue, you can go with a straight orange corrector and then top off with a skin tone color concealer. If you are doing this method you ONLY want to place the orange directly on the darkness.
If your circles aren't that dark then you may want to go with something that has an orangey tone or a yellow tone to it
And also, look into some skin care options! better to just fix the problem all together rather than trying to cover it everyday =]

Nov 14, 2011

Maegan G.

I go through spurts of using bio oil to even skin tone and its worked in the past but if I stop using it the dark splotches come back. I am allergic to a lot of products so I'm really limited to which brands I can use. 

I've heard great things about Eve Pearl's Salmon concealer. My best friend bought Amazing Cosmetics' concealer for her wedding and that thing is ridiculously awesome. Insta-awake, and I have some pretty mean dark circles/allergy-induced redness happening on my eyes.

Nov 15, 2011

Cameron R.

I have a otherwise dark eye area, so I understand your pain. I use Origins Ginzeng eye cream everynight, but to help with the darkness I actually use Reviva 5% Glycolic acid cream 3 times a week. I just dab a little bit under my eye area and barely on the top lid. I feel I look more awake after using this product for about 2 weeks or so. It also helps with the small millia I developed along my dark circle also.

I also use SPF during the day, and switch between Modern Fusion Serum, or Ambi Lightening cream for all over lightening affect, and they both work great!

For concealers: Clinique Line Smoothing Concealer, and Almay's Bright Eye Concealer.

Hope that helped! = )

Maegan G.

Reidsville, North Carolina