Hair Growth..


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Oct 24, 2011

Ashley B.

Okay Beauties, I need some major advice on how to help my hair grow. Most people say "get trims" but some people argue that by saying that cutting is making it shorter instead of allowing growth. I've heard crazy remedies, like brushing your hair with your head upside down and smearing avacado on your scalp. I just need some help. My hair isn't damaged, just really fine.. help anyone?

Oct 24, 2011

Zoe C.

Getting regular trims just to chop off split ends will encourage it to grow, and also make your hair look healthier because you wont have dead ends going wild. Massage your head a couple times a day with your head upside down, it awakens the scalp and the blood flow will encourage hair growth. Deep condition hair at least once a week, it does wonders for your hair! And probably the most important thing, cut down on heat styling and products! June last year I bleached my hair, in July i stopped straightening (only doing it when absolutely necessary) blow drying, and using hair spray, wax, mousse or any other styling products. And within a month, my hair looked and felt noticeably healthier and a lot thicker.

Oct 24, 2011

Tasha C.

Actually, getting trims does help because split-ends sometimes stop the growth of your hair (or, so i've been told.) Maintaining healthy hair also helps grow your hair. But other than that, i don't think there any remedies to help your hair grow since all hair grow on their own pace.

When you shave your arms, how long does it take for the hair to grow back? Maybe that'll help you how long it takes your hair to grow as well! xx

Oct 24, 2011

Arie C.

I agree with the ladies above me. :) When I'm trying to grow out my hair, I just start wearing it up and styling it as little as possible. I don't know why, but that makes it seem like my hair is growing out really fast.

A few things many people don't consider when growing hair: One is health, what is your diet like? If your eating the right things and getting enough vitamins your hair will grow healthier and need to be trimmed less. Healthy diet and the right multivitamin do play a part in hair growth ( I took pre natals for this purpose!). Second, not over processing your hair!!!! this may be obvious but there are more products out there that damage your hair for instance shampoo! I use the Organix brand because it leaves my hair with moisture and doesn't dry out my hair like grocery store brand shampoo does and it isn't too expensive! These two things help prevent fewer trims which helps grow out your hair. I grew out my Aline by letting my hair airdry and only using my flatiron once a week, I also washed my hair every other day, ate foods that help hair like avocado, yogurt, etc and got trims every 6 months. There is no process to speed it up you just have to sit and wait =[ 

You should invest in vitamins like "Biotin" or "Hair, Skin & Nails". They're very affordable and they work. And stay on top of getting your hair trimmed. If you have split ends the only place the split has to go is UP the hair shaft so when it brakes it's just going to brake higher up then what it would have if you would have gotten it trimmed. 

Oct 25, 2011

Ashley B.

I just bought a pill called BioSil, it's supposed to work wonders! I'll keep you guys updated. Thank You!