Products to strip black out


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Oct 28, 2011

Viviana F.

Or a hair die that would take the black out Iam tired of black but don't want blond on it 

Oct 28, 2011

Jennifer-Rose J.

A few questions: Did you use permanent color? How long ago did you color your hair? It's definitely something you want to leave to a professional, butttt if you need to lighten your hair yourself you're going to need what's called a soap cap. Old school but it gets the job done. Some people might recommend a color remover, but I"ve found this method sometimes pushes the color further into your hair shaft and it can cause the new color to process darker than you would like. A soap cap is lightener mixed with developer and shampoo. The shampoo slows down the lightener considerably and gently helps remove color without severe damage. I'd recommend doing this over the span of at least a week or two for best results.Once the hair has lightened enough for you (the color might be a little wonky at this point) then choose a semi-permanent color of your choice to tone to your desired shade. Don't use permanent at this point, the semi will be gentler on your strands. Deep-condition often while you're doing the soap caps. I hope this helps...

Oct 28, 2011

Viviana F.

Yes I did use permanent
And I have done so much damage on my hair but Iam going to look for that soap tankyou :)

Oct 29, 2011

Shelly T.

Four words: GO TO A SALON. IMO, this is something that should be left to the professionals.

Oct 29, 2011

Jane A.

Back in my hair coloring days, when I wanted to go from dark to light, ESPECIALLY when I wanted to go from light to dark, I went to a salon.