How to let your nails grow?


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Apr 14, 2013

Heather L.

I always bit my nails when I am nervous. Idk why but I just do and I need help , I want long nails again. -_- please help?

Apr 14, 2013

Maria P.

If you have a habit off biting your nails you can buy something to put on them, which makes them taste yuk. Else I just let mine grow out like normal nails would. It takes I guess 2 weeks for mine to grow out. Just cut them once in a while. Not cut a lot of but just a bit. Should help as well.. Just like with your hair, you know :)

Apr 14, 2013

Emily C.

They have some type of solution to put on your nails (it tastes really bad, so it keeps you from biting them) you can buy it at Sally Beauty Shop (:

Apr 14, 2013

Emily C.

And also, you can take biotin pills.

Apr 14, 2013

Jacquelyne B.

If you really think about it , everything you touch and the dirt under your nails thts all going into your mouth, try to always keep them polished

Apr 14, 2013

Fer M.

Well I don't know if your situation is the same but mine is that my hand get really dry and they chip and I ussually wear acrylics but I get tired of them so this last acrylics I took them away and just ask the lady to remove the tip and just put the acrylic gel and look how far I am... and for me it works cause you can change as often as you want and need your nail polish

Apr 14, 2013

Ayesha A.

Rub garlic on your nails.. and see the magical growth of them :)

Apr 14, 2013

Heather R.

Nails are dead skin.

Apr 14, 2013

Anna P.

I agree with the other girls, just put st on yr nails that doesn't taste nice.. you should also direct your nervous somewhere else, like chewing a gum instead of your nails.. or punch the person that makes you nervous! lol!!

Apr 14, 2013

Wendy G.

Buy fake nails

Apr 14, 2013

Fer M.

Good one anna!! but only Pply for those people what if is just a situation?!

Apr 14, 2013

Nazneen K.

Stop n grow use it ull get at chemist.

Apr 17, 2013

Atlanta R.

I've never had a problem with biting my nails, but I would think that getting acrylic nails until your nails get long (which would take about a month or so) would help break your habit..