Eye contact question


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Apr 15, 2013

Jenny O.

So here and there I wear contacts but sometimes I feel like my makeup goes in my eye and it bugs since I have the contacts on, so my question is should I do my makeup and put the contacts on ORRR put my contacts on then do my makeup? Which one should work better? Or any tips you girls might have.

Apr 15, 2013

Chella M.

Put your contacts on first TRUST girl it will save yourself from retouching after :)

Apr 15, 2013

Kat C.

My eye doctor says to always put the contact in first x:

Apr 15, 2013

Michelle M.

Contacts in 1st!! I tried make up first n had to redo it after struggling to get my contacts in.

Apr 15, 2013

Atiyah Y.

I usually put my contacts in first that way you won't mess up your eyes.

Apr 15, 2013

Lynea I.

I have ALWAYS heard contacts after makeup, that way you can't run the risk of scratching your retinas if you get makeup in your eyes accidentally. try getting some eye drops and applying them occasionally through the day. if you hold a tissue under your eye for the drops to leak into it won't mess with your makeup.

Apr 15, 2013

Blakely B.

Contacts first! I used to have a problem where my eyeliner would get on my contact and cause it to get blurry to the point where I couldn't see out of it! It was awful, but I'm glad I got to the bottom of it!

Apr 15, 2013

Jenny O.

Thank you! You girls helped a lot! (: