Dr. Dukan's Diet - HELP ME!


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Apr 15, 2013

Anna G.

I want to start a diet that Dr. Dukan did to Kate Middleton and I was wondering if anyone else did and if it is good for teenagers, if it works, etc.

Apr 15, 2013

Erin M.

Diets can be interesting...I've never gone on one but I date a fighter so let me tell you a few things. Don't drastically change your diet over night, your body will not like it. It's best to ease yourself into it somehow. Also, if your body goes into shock because you change to rapidly it will think you're starving and cling on to every bit of food you eat, causing you to get bigger, not smaller. And it's ok to have a small cheat day once a week, every other week, or other incremented time you choose. If you don't and then have a taste of something sweet or you really like and you've gone like two or three months without it you will probably binge, I've seen that happen a lot with friends and co workers. And most importantly working out along with your diet is über helpful. Changing your eating habits is great, but your body needs to physically work out as well.

Apr 15, 2013

Anna G.

Thankk you so much Erin, it made me think a lot now about my new crazy diet!