How Can I Hold A Curl.


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Apr 14, 2013

Janelle S.

Try curling at a higher heat setting and using a different hairspray.

Apr 14, 2013

Zitlali C.

What tool do you use to curl your hair?

Apr 14, 2013

Stephanie H.

I know this sounds bad but it holds a curl better when it's dirty. I don't know how often you wash your hair but your going to need 3 things a good try shampoo (I like tresemme) a good hair spray (also tresemme curl locking styling spray ) and a curling iron. If you wash your hair everyday skip a day of washing use the dry shampoo then spray the hair spray generously all over then blow dry your hair needs to be a little stiff then curl it. Tadddaaaa magically beautiful curls that hold really well. Hope that helps Kylee

Apr 14, 2013

Laura G.

The only curling iron I have found that works for me is the bed head rock n roller. I got it for $30 at target. its shaped, for lack of a better word, like balls in a line with indentations in between.

Apr 14, 2013

Katie S.

Ihave the same problem but one day istraightend my hair and jst bought a new curling iron and iwanted to try it out and when itried it the curl acually stayed in then wen idid it without striaghting my hair first the curl would not stay... iheard that your not suppose the straighten your hair then curl it but it worked perfect for me so thats how ido it.

Apr 14, 2013

Robyn S.

I have really fine hair too! What I do is cut a t-shirt into 3-4 in. strips, and wrap my hair up in them. I do this at night with damp hair and then sleep on them. Just take a 1 in. section of hair and wrap hair around the strip (I use my thumb) and then tie the strip in a knot. In the morning untie all the knots and you've got natural-looking curls that stay curly! :)

Your best friend is going to be products! All my life I couldn't get my hair to hold a curl until I found UNITE blow & set lotion. It's amazing. I've also found that my fine, straight hair holds flat iron curls better than curling iron curls.

Flat iron curls: clamp the flat iron down at the root, turn it 180 degrees (one half turn), and run it slowly down the section of hair. It will spring up in a spiral curl, and hold better than the curling iron!

Apr 14, 2013

Isabel H.

Try both susannah's idea and Robyn's idea I have tried them both and they work really well.

Apr 14, 2013

Tee R.

When you get out the shower and your hair is wet put moose in your hair and let it dry and then when you curl it spray some hair spray before and after you curl :)

Apr 14, 2013

Ivonne B.

Have you tried sleeping with spongy rollers

Apr 14, 2013

Kassidy N.

Use a wand instead and put on a good hairspray

Apr 14, 2013

Rebekah L.

There is thus type of cutler called a curling wand or something, they work awesome for ppl whose hair doesn't normally hold curl.